Rejoice, my fellow high schoolers in the Ventura Unified School District, for the end of the year is almost here. Starting from Monday June 2, seniors will only have four school days left while the freshmen, sophomores and juniors will have eight days left. I don’t know about you, but I am all too ready for June 11.

Rejoice, my fellow high schoolers in the Ventura Unified School District, for the end of the year is almost here.
Starting from Monday June 2, seniors will only have four school days left while the freshmen, sophomores and juniors will have eight days left. I don’t know about you, but I am all too ready for June 11.
The thing that we’ll need to remember most, as cheesy as this will sound, is that we need to finish strong. Trust me, I know some of you are rolling your eyes, because I have the urge to roll my eyes whenever someone says this to me.
But it’s true. We’re all exhausted, and we’re all starting to grow apathetic towards our classes. However, in order to finish the year with decent grades, we need to hang in there for the last 5-9 days.
We’ve all had to have information basically beaten into us these last couple of weeks. The end is near and hitting us hard, while the only thing we want to do is collapse. Motivation is nowhere to be found.
If you feel like you’re drowning right now with the amount of work you have to do, but are having trouble finding the heart to care, take a deep breath and power through.
Sunshine will be found after the storm passes, and this is the time that only sheer willpower will help.
Remember, it could always be worse. We could be living in a world where Sharknado is happening, or He Who Shall Not Be Named is still reigning terror over all. Maybe worst of all, it could be September of 2014.
So hang in there!