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Boys tennis

Claire Hadley
Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) boys tennis brought home a California Scholastic Federation (CIF) division four title, placing first in league with a record of 6-0, remaining undefeated. In CIF, they placed second among the 27 top competing teams in Calif. Southern Section.

The Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) boys tennis team had a particularly successful season as they took first place in league with an undefeated record of 7-0. The team also managed to push through to the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) championship where they took a hard-fought second place, 8-10.

Some leading performers on the individual side include Shaurya Shyam ‘25 and Charlie Powers ‘27 who both made second-team all-league.

On the doubles side, the dynamic duo of Greg Davis ‘26 and Dylan Files ‘26 stood out. Both players made first-team all-league and they won second place in league individuals.

Head coach, Dan Fitzpatrick summed up the season, “it was a magical ride watching the boys play and fight all the way through … all the way down within a couple of games of winning CIF.”

The Dragons look to the 2024-2025 season to continue their success in the regular season and bring home the CIF championship title.

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About the Contributors
Conor White
Conor White, Reporter
Aka Sonia. A first-year sports writer who is a runner by choice and loves eating and sleeping.
Claire Hadley
Claire Hadley, Photographer
Short girl who is addicted to the beach, chugging tea, watching "Grey's Anatomy" and manufacturing random concoctions in the kitchen.

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