If you’re a regular reader of my columns, you might remember that a while ago I lost my junky, little, bright green LG Neon phone. It happened again, however this time it happened in Boston.
I was in Boston for five weeks for a ballet program, and for five weeks I took the T subway system to the studio and got on the right train back to the dorm without a hitch. Well, for almost five weeks.
It was the last day of the program and also the end of summer performance and I had forgotten my wrap skirt (which was, of course, part of the costume). It was okay, I had two hours to take a trip that usually took a half an hour… until I got on the wrong train.
If you get on the T at Copley Square going inbound, you can take either the B, C, D, or E trains. The trains B, C and D go through Kenmore (which was my stop), E does not. In some mad twist of fate I got on the E train, which I had gone four weeks and four days without doing. {sidebar id=65}
You could imagine the panic of figuring out you are on the wrong train and then watching the doors slide close and Copley Station pull away. It was all right in the end. I ran to another station, managed to catch the right train, and got back with time to warm up. But I’m not the star of this story, my phone is.
Somewhere in the confusion of getting on the wrong T, my phone fell out of my pocket, probably at the Heath Street stop. I didn’t even know it was missing until I got to the dorm and by then it was surely too late.
Having decided that I was never going to see my phone again, I was already planning on how I was going to tell Mom. “How was your day?” “Good, I lost my phone…” No, that wouldn’t work. Then my friend came up to tell me that my mom had contacted her and that my phone was at Lechmere station, it had been found and turned in.
Maybe it’s just that my phone is so decrepit that no one would ever want to take it, but I don’t think so. I am fully aware just how bad my phone is, it turns itself off and calls people instead of charging, but that isn’t why it got turned in. The only reason why my phone made it back to me was because it was found by a good person.
I don’t know who that person is, a CEO? An artist? A fellow teenager? Maybe someone down on their luck who still had the heart to help another? The possibilities are endless and that is what makes it still more wonderful. Whoever this person is, whatever they do, they are good.
There is a page you can like on Facebook called “No Hope for the Human Race.” They are generally pretty funny, but I still haven’t been able to like them. The fact is there is hope, things like this proves that, yes, we are flawed but we are also fundamentally good.
If there is a person reading this from Boston who found a nasty little trashy LG Neon abandoned in the T station, thank you. I want to thank you not only for my phone but also for a lesson. No matter what happens in this world, there is still good.