Gabrialla “Gabby” Cockerell is a sophomore and first-year journalist for the Foothill Dragon Press Multimedia section. When she’s not immersed in her homework, Gabby loves reading and playing her guitar and viola.
Gabrialla “Gabby” Cockerell is a sophomore and first-year journalist for the Foothill Dragon Press Multimedia section. When she’s not immersed in her homework, Gabby loves reading and playing her guitar and viola. She also adores listening to her two favorite bands: Empire of the Sun and Chromeo. After high school, Gabby hopes to attend Calvin College, a film school, in Michigan to major in photography. Her passion for photography comes from her father; he is her inspiration in terms of what kind of photographer she is striving to become. If she doesn’t go straight to a four-year university, Gabby dreams of visiting Belgium one day to explore the vibrant culture there. Gabby is ecstatic to be a part of the Multimedia team this year; she is most looking forward to getting her press pass and taking hold of her new responsibility as a student journalist. She cannot wait to see what kind of experiences and opportunities the Dragon Press has in store for her.
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