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The Student News Site of Foothill Technology High School

The Foothill Dragon Press

The Student News Site of Foothill Technology High School

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News Brief: Seniors reflect on their years of high school while offering guidance for other Dragons

Aidan Gomez
Seniors at Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) check out their belongings and bid farewell to their classes on the last day of school, June 7, 2024. The day was filled with a mix of excitement and nostalgia as students reflected on their high school years and looked forward to their next adventures.

As the 2023-2024 school year draws to a close, seniors at Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) prepare to bid farewell to their high school days. With graduation just around the corner, many are taking a moment to reflect on their experiences, memories and what lies ahead.

For most seniors, leaving behind their daily interactions with friends is one of the hardest parts of saying goodbye. The bonds formed over the years are what many students say they will miss the most.

“I think I’m going to miss all my friends and just being able to hang out with them every day,” Tori Phillips ‘24 said.

These students also look back fondly on the special events that made their high school years memorable. The “Roaring ‘20s” prom, sports, clubs and Renaissance rallies provided opportunities to create lasting memories at Foothill Tech. Lupita Gonzalez ‘24 shared, “My favorite memory has been meeting some of my best friends through the [Foothill Tech] soccer program and being part of a united team.”

As they prepare to step into the next phase of their lives, seniors feel a mix of excitement and anxiety about the future. Phillips explained how she is looking forward to “being an adult and having independence,” after graduating.

Reflecting on their high school journey, many seniors offer valuable advice to underclassmen. “Actually do your work. If you don’t have everything together, it gets kind of stressful,” Phillips stated.

Another common piece of advice is to enjoy every moment of senior year. Gonzalez stated, “Make sure you enjoy every day of senior year … as long as you get things done on time and you have time to enjoy yourself with your friends, it’s going to be a really good year.”

As graduation approaches, the eldest of dragons reflect on their high school journey with a mix of nostalgia and anticipation as they open a new chapter in their lives. Many students are moving on to college, as seen on the 2024 Grad Map, where they will take the next big steps to adulthood.

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About the Contributors
Ella Asher
Ella Asher, Reporter
A junior who loves the ocean and chai lattes.
Aidan Gomez
Aidan Gomez, Photographer
Second-year journalist and athlete who loves to hang out with friends.

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