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Humans of Foothill: Adler Swierkocki

Rihanna Samples
Inspired by the Humans of New York project, the Foothill Dragon Press staff aspires to highlight students around campus pursing their passions and interests.

“I discovered bioengineering while researching different engineering careers. The prospect of combining both healthcare and engineering, two career choices I had always thought were mutually exclusive, immediately hooked my attention. A couple of job shadows later, I solidified my interest in bioengineering and have been hooked ever since.”

In the pursuit of finding opportunities to build his skills, Adler Swierkocki was led to the options of DTech Academy and BioScience Academy at Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech). 

Alder Swierkocki ’24 has spent countless hours in the D-Tech lab, working hard to become a highly accomplished student. (Ella Nicolle)

“For my engineering pursuits, I struggled in my freshman year to choose between BioScience and DTech as both had their benefits when it came to bioengineering; BioScience being on the more biology side of things while DTech being on the more engineering side of things. I ultimately decided on DTech and have tried my best to take advantage of my time there. I work as a paid intern specializing in the Textile sector, where I can harness my artistic side to create clothing and accessories for local businesses. DTech has also given me proficient knowledge in CAD (Computer-aided design), 3D printers, laser cutters and many other machines in our lab.

“Additionally, I was a part of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Pre-Engineering Program, where we surveyed many different types of engineering and their applications to our United States Navy.”

When tracking down inspiration for his career, Swierkocki finds it from his family.

“Both of my parents work in the healthcare sector and my uncle is an engineer. That combined with a family history of some illnesses inspired me to pursue a career in the engineering side of the healthcare field.”

In pursuing his passion beyond high school, Swierkocki will be attending UC Berkeley and majoring in bioengineering.

“I am looking forward to taking advantage of the many research opportunities at the institution, with a particular interest in the microbiome. Additionally, I am hoping to join some clubs like the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) to find a support group that can assist in my internship and job pursuits as well as foster connections while in college.” 

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About the Contributors
Camilla Lewis
Camilla Lewis, Assignment Editor
Avid ocean, orange juice and “Napoleon Dynamite” lover.
Ella Nicolle
Ella Nicolle, Multimedia Editor
Photo editor who’s a classic car enthusiast with hippie tendencies.
Rihanna Samples
Rihanna Samples, Multimedia Editor
A junior who is constantly looking at the world through the lens of a camera.

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