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An evening of recognition: Senior Awards Night 2024

Luigirey Guce
Friends and families gathered at Buena High School’s (Buena) gymnasium in the evening of May 29, 2024 to celebrate the graduating class. The gym was full of decorations, giving seniors a warm and memorable award ceremony with graduation around the corner. Students were acknowledged with ropes and medals, wishing them the best for the future.

On the evening of May 29, 2024, Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) hosted its annual Seniors Awards Night at Buena High School’s (Buena) gymnasium. The chosen Honor Court students from the junior class organized the event, guided by Melanie “Captain” Lindsey.

The awards varied from scholarships to individual acknowledgements, shining a light on the seniors that have left an impact on Foothill Tech and their peers, faculty, staff and community.

The night of recognition was an emotional one for many dragons, Lynna Nguyen ‘24 stated, “I’m feeling excited, a little shocked and it’s kind of bittersweet … this is our last goodbye.” Nguyen added, “So many names are being recognized … I’m very proud of my class.”

The class of 2024 celebrates their achievements from senior year, gathering together at Buena. In this photo, several students are seen receiving awards, highlighting their accomplishments. (Aidan Gomez)

The awards ceremony began with scholarships from various donors and organizations, with different presenters awarding them to their recipients. The scholarships consisted of Diamond in the Rough, 20th Century Onyx Club Scholarships, Martin Luther King Jr. Committee of Ventura County Scholarship, Edwin Titus Memorial Scholarship for Creative writing, Hueneme Education Association Member Dependent Scholarship, Rotary Club of Ventura Perspectives on Peace Scholarship, Rotary Club of Ventura East Scholarship, Crosby Trust Scholarship, Larry Meister Scholarship, Ventura Unified Education Association (VUEA) Scholarships and others.

Ranging from individual to multiple recipients, the scholarships opened the opportunity for many students to focus on specific fields with financial aid. The scholarships were awarded to students who had demonstrated honorable qualities and dedication, granting chosen Dragons differing sums of money to support them on their educational journey.

After the scholarships had been announced, applause was given for the achievements awarded at the Seniors Only Academic Rally, acknowledging recognition previously granted to the seniors. After this recognition, the remaining awards were announced.

The next awards recognized students who took part in different programs and classes offered on campus, including Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID), Wellness Center Peers, the Software Development pathway, Foothill Intervention Reinforcement and Enrichment (FIRE) and A-G completion.

Other acknowledgments consisted of First in the Family awards given to first-generation students, and the multilingual seal award, granted to students who achieved their multilingual seal through proficiency in two languages, the first being English and the second language varying from Spanish, Japanese, German and Korean.

It’s kind of bittersweet … this is our last goodbye”

— Lynna Nguyen ‘24

Individually chosen awards included the Athletics Wall of Fame which was given to three students who exemplified athletic excellence, the Principal’s Choice Award, Parent of the Year awards for participatory parents in student success through the Parent Faculty Student Organization (PFSO) and Department Award of Distinction.

Last but not least, was the highly anticipated Dragon Hall of Fame Awards, given to exceptional students in different programs and classes. Awards from programs and pathways consisted of Bioscience, Computer Science, Yearbook, Performing Arts and AVID.

Nguyen was one of the recipients, having been rewarded with the Renaissance Science Hall of Fame award. The Hall of Fame awards mean a lot to its recipients, Nguyen stated, “I was really shocked … I just feel really honored and humble.”

Rewards that acknowledged student excellence in specific subjects consisted of Renaissance Social Science, Social Science, Renaissance Science, Science, Visual Arts, World Language with a non-native speaker and a native speaker recipient, Renaissance Mathematics, Mathematics, Renaissance English and English.

Other Hall of Fame awards consisted of Community Service, Most Inspirational, Scholar Athlete with both a female and male recipient, along with the Dana Eaton and the Chris Prewitt award. Olivia Mowad ’24 and Diego Flores Orozco ’24 were rewarded with the Best All Around award, chosen for their lasting impact, honorable character and leadership abilities.

As Cherie Eulau presented the Chris Prewitt award, an honorary award to a deceased former Foothill Tech teacher, the audience gave her a heartfelt goodbye as it would be her last time presenting the award after 11 years. As the evening came to a close, seniors were embraced with the support of their peers and parents, leaving the gymnasium with honorable recognition and anticipation for their graduation.

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About the Contributors
Maggie Lay
Maggie Lay, Reporter
I am a junior news writer who enjoys spending time with family, baking and going to petting zoos.
Luigirey Guce
Luigirey Guce, Photographer
I'm a junior photographer who enjoys playing basketball and listening to Drake. :)
Aidan Gomez
Aidan Gomez, Photographer
Second-year journalist and athlete who loves to hang out with friends.

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