Cartoon 112: It’s time to decorate for… Christmas?
November 7, 2023
Now that the season for Halloween is over, it’s time to decorate for… Christmas? There is no doubt that Christmas is one of the most popular holidays of the year, with millions of people choosing to celebrate the holiday, and it’s easy to see why. Along with its religious context as the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas has also become a holiday where you can come together and gift presents to the ones you love. With the increasing excitement each year towards preparing and decorating for the oncoming Christmas season, companies and businesses aren’t afraid to jump in on the wagon. You might have seen Christmas decorations being sold as early as October, and maybe even the rare house or two decked out with icicles and Christmas lights way before Halloween even started. And of course, who could forget about poor Thanksgiving? Sandwiched between two very heavily decor emphasizing events, it’s easy to forget about decorating for Thanksgiving, as it’s decorations lean more on simple fall decor and color palettes than anything extreme, but Thanksgiving still remains a very big event, even if it may be a bit off putting to see a Christmas snowman on the counter top. In all, it seems that the Christmas spirit is arriving earlier and earlier each year. With Christmas cementing its place as one of the most popular holidays in the world, this trend doesn’t seem like it will stop anytime soon.
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About the Contributor

Mi Nguyen, Multimedia Editor
I’m always struggling to choose between my phone and a good nights sleep.