On Monday Apr. 24, about 40 eager environmental supporters marched from Plaza Park to the city council meeting in City Hall. The crowd ranged from passionate youth activists to adults who came to support the cause.
Students from many high schools participated in the march, including Environmental Club vice president Vineta Sondors ‘18.
According to Sondors, this march was conducted through an organization called iMatter for the purpose of advocating for “youth involvement in climate action.”
“We were all very excited and determined, and we all had a common goal in mind, which really brought the people together who cared about the environment and who wanted to see change,” Sondors said.
Around 4:15 p.m., people gathered and made signs, socialized and took pictures. At 4:45 p.m., the group chanted and marched down Thompson Blvd. and then walked up to City Hall on California St. Once the group arrived at City Hall, several speakers including Sondors delivered concise speeches and then there was a time for open public comment.
The crowd then went inside City Hall and upstairs to the city council meeting room, where the participants “filled the seats in the room to show our support,” and where later, several youth activists gave speeches.
Ultimately, the goal of the march was to gain momentum to pass the Climate Action Resolution, which expresses the commitment of a local government to conserve a community from the hazards of climate destruction. The Ventura City Council passed the resolution unanimously, with a 7-0 vote.
“It was great to have everyone involved,” Sondors said. “It was inspiring to see how hopeful the younger generations are, and I hope that this is a movement that will be continued for generations to come.”

Editor’s Note: Bella Bobrow was involved in the planning of the march and is the former Editor-in-Chief of the Foothill Dragon Press. She was not involved in the production of the article in any way.