Love. We all yearn and long for it, but how often do we give love to those around us? I’m talking about love that is authentic, unconditional, and selfless.
There are many aspects of love one could discuss, and I would like to focus on agape love. Agape is a Greek word that means “unconditional love.” Today we need an increase in that love, the kind of love that is a selfless sacrifice for the good of each other and one that doesn’t expect recognition or praise.
Love that is selfless is the highest form of love you could ever give or receive. Why? This is because selfless love is unconditional (without limits) and cannot be purchased or sold. When one engages in this great act of love, it moves above being a feeling and into the reality of an authentic commitment for the well being of another person.
It is very easy to talk about love that is selfless, but quite a task to put into action. This should come as no surprise since the act of being selfish is a natural tendency for all of us. Love requires a sacrifice for each of us, because love would not be love, unless it is given freely.
When we decide to unconditionally love each other, we are essentially saying: Forget About Me I Love You (F.A.M.I.L.Y.). This acronym is unique because it is a summary about love that is selfless, and shows us that we are all in this together as one big family. While we all have different stories, backgrounds and upbringings we are all neighbors on this wonderful planet, daily being called to selflessly love one another.
Who are we called to unconditionally love? We are called to selflessly love all people wherever they may be. It may be easy to selflessly love a family member or a friend, but we should strive to love people who are outcasts. What I mean is that there are people today that may not receive enough unconditional love for whatever reason. A prime example would be the homeless. Society may tell us that they are this or that, but does that mean that they are unworthy of unconditional love? Absolutely not. It shouldn’t matter whether a person is a multi-billionaire or a homeless beggar, since they are still our neighbors in this world, yearning to be loved.
The one way to really know a person is by their actions. How a person acts when they think no one is watching shows their true character.
I believe love that is selfless can have a powerful influence on those we encounter daily, but only if we have the courage to step out of our comfort zone. Random acts of kindness are a wonderful way to do this. Even if the kind act is as simple as a smile, saying “God bless you” to a stranger, or talking with an elderly person down the street. My point is that these acts of kindness may feel insignificant or meaningless to us at the moment, but they sometimes have a much greater impact than we could have ever imagined.
Everyday let’s all strive for at least one random act of kindness, whether it is for your family, friends, or a complete stranger. If you are already successful at doing one, then try for more each day.
There is nothing greater or more beautiful in this world than authentic, unconditional love because when we participate in that love we are making the world a better place, one selfless act at a time.