We’ve all been through a time when our sibling or siblings feel more like aliens invading our life than our closest family members. You may think that they’re annoying, weird or maybe even pretty cool, but have you ever thought about what they think of you?
Two brothers at Foothill, sophomores Kieran and Christian Giammichele, separately answered five questions…let’s see how their answers compare!
1. How would you tell your parents that you got a D or an F on a test?
Kieran: “If they’re in a good mood, I would tell them, but if they were in a bad mood, I would wait to tell them until they were in a good mood.”
Christian: “I’ll do better next time?”
2. Who do you think is more outgoing, you or your sibling?
Kieran: “Definitely me.”
Christian: “Me. I’m not the one who walks around with a grimace on his face.”
3. What is one word that you would use to describe your sibling, and what is one word that you think they would use for you?
Kieran: “For him? Competitive. What he would say about me? The Second Twin.”
Christian: “Competitive for him. He’d probably say that I’m determined or annoying, either one.”
4. Who’s the one people think of as being the “good” one?
Kieran: “People tell me that I’m the good twin.”
Christian: “Depends on the people you ask. They’d probably say that he is.”
5. What’s the coolest thing that you’ve done with your sibling?
Kieran: “Being in the movie Junior, acting as a library baby.”
Christian: “Waking up at midnight to climb Mt. Whitney and finishing at about five in the afternoon. I was thinking about pushing him off the cliff, but…just kidding.”