If Luke Ballmer, who must be a good fellow in there somewhere, thinks that I have any intention of touching “Accidental Racist” with a ten foot pole he is sadly mistaken. He should also know that One Direction is so last semester; I have moved on to Blake Shelton now (no not really, but he is funny on “The Voice”).
In other news, I am an Anteater, and that is what I am going to talk about.
For those who do not know, “I am an Anteater,” translates to “I have committed to the University of California Irvine,” so go eaters! Zot! Zot! Zot!
It has been one of the most stressful ordeals of my life, second only to losing my phone in the Boston T.
Here is the thing about committing to a college, it requires declining any other colleges. {sidebar id=65}
It’s breaking up, over and over again.
In my mind, when I push the decline button, I imagine a poor admissions officer sitting in their office sobbing. Which, though I know it’s untrue, gives me this horrible sinking feeling that I have single-handedly broken the heart of an institution of higher learning.
You could not imagine the guilt.
Add the idea that you have just said no to the right school and you have had my last month: making life decisions and then announcing to my family that I have most likely destroyed my future and gone against fate itself and will be struck by lightning.
Well, that hasn’t happened yet.
I guess it comes down to this. The future is unknown and that is what’s good about it. No, it is not fun to break up with anything you have had at least a four month relationship with, school or not. Sometimes though, it just has to be done.
Come the fall I will be driving out to Irvine and facing the future head on. Maybe I was meant to be an Anteater, maybe not. In any case, I am now, and I’m excited.
Oh and Luke, a couple of clarifications for future reference: a) Meatloaf isn’t a country artist, Mom and Dad actually laughed when they heard that and b) “you’re” is a contraction for “you are”.