The displeasing tone of a generic ring spouts from my phone at 5:24 a.m.
Just 10 more minutes. Please?
No? Ok, 5:24 it is.
I arrive dark and early to zero period, wipe the sleep from my eyes and start vocal warm-ups. After that, I’m off to face a day equipped with an annoying, immature, and totally engrossing back and forth banter of quips and remarks that consist of the ever-so-intelligent teenager speak of today’s day and age: {sidebar id=65}
“He was like, then she was like, then we were like, then I was like ‘no way!'” “Yeah, so I guess they’re dating now.” “Did you get accepted anywhere yet?” “My mom’s making me like get a ‘job’ now.” “Did you see that picture she Instagrammed?” “Can someone please go off campus with me?”
After continuous lecture notes, sensitive in-class discussions, trudging through study hall and dodging kamikaze birds at the lunch table, it’s time to hit the gym and go home. Unfortunately this means I’ll be waiting for about 2 hours until I actually make it to my front door. But at last, I reach my humble abode, longing to rest.
Then the door opens to what seems to be a village of shrieking children, whose sole motive and desire in life is to pillage every room they happen to scuttle into, so “a moment of silence” is truly nonexistent.
Whaddya know, it’s homework time.
And “possibly trying to start and/or finish that one book that’s been sitting on your shelf since last summer” time.
And “making sure that these mongrels-er I mean, toddlers, don’t injure themselves” time.
“Possibly checking social networks (and definitely not getting sucked into them because they’re totally pointless)” time.
And “job hunting” time.
And “giving up on job hunting” time.
“Make sure the kitchen’s clean so that it can be destroyed once more” time.
And let’s not forget the beloved “going through your 5th existential crisis this month” time.
So God forbid you might just happen to nod off on the couch for a good 30 seconds in which your hardworking parents just so happen to walk into the room and begin to question you about your day and wonder why in heavens name you’re falling into a coma on the sofa.
I’m not sure if I’m the only one at school facing this type of a day. I’m sure that other people’s days are a lot more hectic than mine. You have jobs, you have clubs, you have extracurriculars, you have opportunities that you just can’t miss, you have friends to enjoy, and a blog to run. You’ve got a lot on your plates, and it’s only just begun.
I don’t know if parents realize that we’re going through more at our own age than they ever had to. Sure, we may not have to file taxes every year, but do you think they could ever take on the dreaded 3rd quarter, the infamous “Farch?” I know it may seem as if I’m complaining about the same thing over and over again, (I mean, maybe I am. I’m exhausted and vertigo is starting to set in) but we’re teenagers; complaining is part of the job description. But all that extra stuff you all do; those extra community service hours, those spontaneous and altruistic moments we have, that willingness to succeed in all aspects of life. That, my friends is what makes us so impressive. That’s what warrants a few naps a week, and hitting the snooze buttons just a couple of times.
So hats off to you, you night owls and early risers, you employees, drivers, volunteers, and students. You “he said, she said”-ers, you Instagrammers, and you dish-washers.
You glorious teenagers, you!