Bryn Gallagher is a freelance columnist for The Foothill Dragon Press, which means little more than that she prefers the term “freelance columnist” to “that one chick who writes columns sometimes.” She is a senior at Foothill Technology High School, go Class of 2013! Besides writing columns from time to time, Bryn is a second year FIRE leader and a member of the Speech and Debate Team. Outside of school, ballet rules her life, as any of her friends can probably tell you. Her most common answer to things is “Sorry, I can’t. I have ballet.” But, after dancing for 13 years, one would get to that point (or pointe if you want a pun). If she does come across some free time she enjoys listening to music (if it isn’t rap), reading, watching classic cinema, and, of course, ballets. She does own one cat that seems to think that it’s a dog, it came from a shelter, so maybe it’s rightfully confused. As far as TV is concerned, she recommends BBC’s “Sherlock” and “Doctor Who,” Fox’s “So You Think You Can Dance,” and just about everything on USA, particularly “Psych” or “Common Law.”
Bryn Gallagher Bio
Bryn Gallagher
August 24, 2012