Smelling of grass and sweat, a soccer player skirts around the penalty arc and scores a goal; crowds lined up in the stands roar in applause as a tennis player drives home a set point; clad in black, a swimmer touches the end of the pool and shakes a triumphant fist in victory. Besides their grit and community, what do these Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) athletes have in common? It’s simple: at one point or another, they have all been assisted by the tireless Carlos Moreno, Foothill Tech’s Athletic Equipment Manager.

Moreno has been a part of both the Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) and Foothill Tech staff for four years now, also spending his summers at De Anza (DATA) and Anacapa Middle School (AMS) and Buena High School (BHS).
However, though the majority of his four years were spent as Foothill’s campus supervisor, he recently stepped forward to fulfill the quintessential work of managing all of Foothill Tech’s athletic equipment, including wards like the school vans to cross country jerseys.
Moreno explained how he never has a typical work day in Foothill Tech’s gym, the “black box,” and always has something new to do every day. He begins every morning by ensuring that the black box is in top condition, then heads out to the back parking lot to check on the school athletics vans. He stated, “I’ll also check if I have any teams coming in for pick-up, coaches that need equipment or end-of-season banquets. And I’ll always be keeping up to date with events.”
Because of his full schedule at school, the only downtime he finds is when he takes his nutrition and lunch break. Outside of school, though, he explained, “I’m a homeowner, so I have to tend to the house inside and out to make sure everything’s good.” His favorite hobby at home is working on cars: “I like to be my own mechanic—I do have my limits, of course, but I still like to do it.”
On a more personal note, Moreno’s ties to Foothill Tech are closer than some might imagine. He not only grew up in Ventura but was also a member of Foothill Tech’s graduating class of 2015. Moreno expressed that his favorite part of Foothill back then was how “We used to go to Magic Mountain after testing if we did good enough, but I know they don’t do that anymore.”
Furthermore, he has a young sixth grade cousin who attends Anacapa Middle School, as well as a cousin who is currently a sophomore here at Foothill Tech.
His familiar connections with Foothill was just one factor that influenced his decision to work here. He voiced, “Overall, the atmosphere here is always great. I’ve never had problems with any of the students or teachers, and even though there are bad days, it still comes out good in the end.” Jokingly, he added, “Plus, the insurance helped!”
Moreno further expressed his appreciation for Foothill Tech’s warm and welcoming spirit. Regarding the campus community, he explained, “They’re all focused on their work, no matter what they’re doing. Students are always concentrated, and the teachers always engage with the kids and help them out no matter what.”

Unsurprisingly, the appreciation goes both ways. Frank Davis, one of Foothill Tech’s assistant principals, conveyed, “Carlos has been an amazing addition to athletics and the black box in itself. His commitment to making our programs as strong as they can be and his support of the students is unmatched. We’re so lucky to have him in that building.”
Emily Stevens, a P.E. teacher who works closely with Moreno, communicated her heartfelt recognition, “I’m very grateful for Carlos, he stepped in to replace someone who’d been here 10 years, and he learned the job quickly. He always works hard and really serves all of our coaches, teams, students and P.E. classes.”
Siena Meter ’26, a member of the girls soccer team, also expressed, “I really appreciate his willingness to help out, as well as his patience with students.”
From alumni to current students, Moreno advised, “Don’t rush on what you want to do in life because there’s always a way it’ll find you. For me, it found me late, but I never gave up.”
At a school like Foothill Tech where its budding athletics department has only been around for a decade, behind-the-scenes staff members like Moreno are requisites for success. The next time you stop by the black box, make sure to thank him for his service!