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Humans of Foothill: Taylor Liston

Rihanna Samples
Inspired by the Humans of New York project, the Foothill Dragon Press staff aspires to highlight students around campus pursing their passions and interests.

Taylor Liston ‘24 has been interested in pursuing the medical field since she was young and decided to attend Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) for the Bioscience program. Besides being a member of the Bioscience Academy, she has also been an active participant in many sports, clubs and activities at Foothill Tech. 

Medical field:

“I joined Bioscience [Academy] because coming into Foothill [Tech], I knew I wanted to go into the medical field and the academy is what originally drew me to Foothill [Tech]” Liston said.

“I [am currently pursuing the medical field in high school … through] all the job shadows we [the Bioscience Academy] do … and outside of school, I work at Wilson’s Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Clinic. I originally started volunteering there in my sophomore year, and after volunteering probably over 100 hours, he [Dr. Wilson] gave me a part-time position. So I’ve been working there for over a year and a half now, and I bring people back, assess vitals [and] do therapies on them. It’s been a super cool experience … being able to work in a medical type of office at such a young age.”

Liston also acts as co-president of the Bioscience Academy. “As co-president with Cameryn [Henuber ‘24], we do a lot just to organize the different subcommittees, especially with HOSA. It’s a lot of communicating with subcommittee leaders to make sure everything is running smoothly.”

Taylor Liston ’24 is an integral student of Foothill Tech as Bioscience co-president, wellness-peer mentor and varsity soccer team member. She believes engaging in Foothill Tech has helped her make the best of her high school experience. (Emilie Huovinen)

Wellness Peer Mentor:

“I think [being a] wellness peer is something different than Bioscience. It’s more about the wellbeing of the school and mental health in general. I thought it was a cool experience having a wellness center at our school, especially since it’s the first year we had one.”

“I thought it was a good experience to help bring it to our school. Wellness centers are really good at enhancing social wellbeing and mental health around campus. I really like being a Wellness Peer mentor. It’s a really good way to get community service and help the community. We do a lot of outside stuff like going to conferences and we are able to present at those. It’s also super fun to see kids engaging in the activities we do at lunch.”


“I’ve been playing soccer since I was four and it’s been the only sport that’s stuck with me. It’s a really big team sport, so if [someone makes] a mistake [we] all have each others’ back and … it’s just part of the game. I’ll probably play intramural and club in college.” since UCLA is very competitive with their sports.

Liston gives her final advice on getting involved in school. “Getting involved in high school is what it’s all about. It’s the experience you get in these types of organizations and clubs and sports that really make your high school experience worth it.” 

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About the Contributors
Emilie Huovinen
Emilie Huovinen, Writer
I write articles not tragedies.
Rihanna Samples
Rihanna Samples, Multimedia Editor
A junior who is constantly looking at the world through the lens of a camera.

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