Potential new beginnings explored at 2023 Program Faire

Aidan Gomez

A BioScience student demonstrates how to perform CPR on a mannequin to underclassman interested in health sciences.

Ailanie Martinez and Ella Asher

With the dawn of a new year, many students sought new opportunities and interests during Foothill Technology High School’s (Foothill Tech) annual Program Faire on Jan. 5, Jan. 6, Jan. 10 and Jan. 11, 2023. 

During FIRE, program and elective teachers opened their classrooms for students to learn about the special courses. Many teachers had videos, presentations and even demonstrations of what students would be doing in their class. Through this, Dragons were able to learn about the many pathways offered at Foothill Tech. 

Most courses are chosen through the Common Application, due Jan. 17, but some pathways require a supplemental due at a later date.

BioScience Academy 

The science pathway, also known as the BioScience Academy, held an interactive event for students to get a preview of the classes they could take. The three-year program has a Survey class for sophomores, Medical Technology for juniors and Biotechnology for seniors. 

“The BioScience Academy is a career technical education program,” BioScience advisor Mika Anderson explained, “It prepares students who want careers in health science, research science or biotechnology.”

“It is completely career driven, all skills learned are being used by professionals in the industry,” Anderson continued.

To apply, students needed to fill out the Common Application and attend information meetings on Jan. 12 and Jan. 13. 

Anderson shared, ¨If they love science and want to have a career in the science field in some way shape or form…those are the students who would benefit from the program.¨


DTech is the engineering and entrepreneurship pathway offered at Foothill Tech. As it is switching from a three-year to a two-year program, applications will not be open until 2024. 


The Journalism pathway runs Foothill Tech’s publication, The Foothill Dragon Press. The class is broken into sections that all work together to create content.

The News section reports on about school and local events. The Sports section focuses on Foothill Tech sports and seasons, but also creates articles focused on outstanding teams and players.

The Writing section writes Arts and Entertainment, Features, Opinions and more, covering topics from all around the world.

The Photo, Video and Art sections all create media to accompany articles or standalone content, such as photo essays, cartoons and podcasts.

To apply, Journalism can be chosen in the Common Application, but also has a required part two.


Art at Foothill Tech is taught by Justin Frazier, who clarified a misconception, “A lot of the time, students think that they have to be really good at art to go into it. That’s not true, because art is about creativity and finding your own creativity.”

The courses available are Art 1, Art 2, Art 3 and Advanced Placement (AP) Art. 

“It gives you a time to take a break from the rigor of Foothill Tech. It can be a sanctuary for any student who wants to go into any field,” Frazier continued. 

To take any art classes, all students need to do is register.

Four BioScience students strap a student on the backboard and lift him up from the ground. (Aidan Gomez)

Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)

Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a class that prepares students for college. However, it can also give students additional support while in high school. In the class, students learn study skills, organizational tips, college requirements and more.

AVID is taught by Kristen Pelfrey, Emily Stevens, Heather Ferris and Brooke Johnson. 

Although many of the students in AVID are first generation college students, all are welcome to apply. 

To apply, students’ must maintain a C average or they must be willing to make up any D or F grades. 

AVID can be chosen through the Common Application, but students will also need to complete the part two AVID application. 


CTE pathway Grafx is a class composed of Commercial Digital Media and Design Honors (DMAD) and Advanced Digital Media and Design Honors (Adv. DMAD). The program combines Graphic Design and Visual Effects.

Cameron Crouch, teacher of Grafx, mapped out the class, “In the first year, students try all different areas, and in the second year they get to focus in on what they prefer.”

He expanded on who would be the best fit for this class, explaining, “Students who want to improve their creativity […] they can take their ideas and concepts to create artwork, design, video and photography.”

“I really want to be flexible and, ultimately, mostly student led, not instructor led,” Crouch finished. 

Grafx can be chosen through the Common Application. 


Taught by Jennifer Kindred, Drama is a class where students study dramatic literature and learn the basics of performance. Additionally, each year the Drama program puts on a play for all students and family members to enjoy.

All students are welcome to join drama. There is no application required. 

Ethnic Studies and Social Justice 

Ethnic Studies and Social Justice (ESSJ) is an elective class that, “takes a look at the events that have happened throughout history through all the lenses of all people,” teacher Claire Adams explained.

While some may shy away due to preconceived notions, Adams emphasized, “All students would benefit from this class. Everyone’s ideas and opinions should be expressed. That’s how we learn from each other.¨

“Sometimes we live in a bubble, and we’re not even aware of the lives of our fellow classmates.¨ Adams concluded, “I would like to allow students to come and take the class and learn so much from each other and themselves.¨

ESSJ can be chosen as a class during 2023-2024 course registration. 

Associated Student Body (ASB)

ASB is an elective that aims to serve Foothill Tech students and community. ASB advisor, Melanie “Captain” Lindsey, stated, “We are servant leaders whose purpose is to build community and create fun and memorable experiences for all stakeholders on our campus”.

ASB sponsors many school programs and activities such as dances, fundraisers, spirit days, rallies and many more. 

To apply, students must complete a two part application to be considered for the elective. 

Mathematics AP 

Precalculus, AP Calculus and AP Statistics are taught by William Huffman, Wayne Powers and Michelle Frumkin. There are prerequisites, such as earning a C or higher in Math 3 or Math 3 Honors. 

To enroll, choose the class in the 2023-2024 course registration.

Journalism advisor, Yiu Hung Li, introduces the Foothill Dragon Press to a class filled with freshman and sophomores who are interested in becoming student journalists. (Aidan Gomez)

Psychology: CP and AP 

Taught by Heather Ferris, Psychology will help students understand how humans function and how we make sense of the world around us. Additionally, students will study the science behind human behavior as well as how the brain works.

Psychology is a class only for juniors and seniors. 

Students can register for Psychology CP or AP as a part of course registration. 

Software Development 

The Software Development pathway is led by Conni Carr, who teaches “through a very hands-on approach where students learn the concepts of computer science or design.”

The class uses code to create interactive online content, and has electronics and robotics for programming practice.

Graphic design is an aspect of the class, so students can make 2D and 3D creations, such as stickers and laser-engraved products. 

Carr talked about the future of this pathway, “I am going to be adding a thread of data science […] so that we can experiment with other programming languages…I would also like to build in some mobile application development.”

C++ is taught in year one and JavaScript in year two. The pathway courses can be taken as honors classes and “are articulated for college credit through Moorpark College,” according to Carr. 

“My students’ creative ideas and processes make me smile…the unique personalities and approaches to humor and life make me laugh and enjoy my days at Foothill,” she added.

Software Development can be registered as a one year class through course registration, but Dragons who want the two-year pathway should select Code.sign on the Common Application. 


Foothill Tech offers multiple Spanish courses for students such as Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4 and 4 AP. Students can progress from basic to advanced Spanish throughout their 4 years at Foothill Tech. 

Students can register for Spanish through course registration. 


Yearbook is a class composed of sections, like photography, design and writing, who all work together to complete the school year’s yearbook. 

Justin Frazier teaches this class, and shared why it is so important, “When all of this goes away, your yearbook is going to stay. It’s not fleeting or online, it’s something that is tangible and will be passed down from generation to generation.”

Yearbook can be chosen in the Common Application, and has a part two for interest in specific departments.

The Program Faire served to benefit both faculty and students at Foothill Tech. It provided an opportunity for students to hear first hand from elective and program teachers about the courses. 

Heather Ferris commented, “It gives them (students) a chance to meet teachers and students involved with programs and electives, and get to hear more details than what is published in the course registration offerings.” 

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