Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why don’t you show all sports yet?
A: Foothill Technology High School started sports in the 2014-2015 school year. As each season of sport begins, the Dragon Press will be providing coverage of teams. Keep checking back.
Q: Do you accept advertising on this website?
A: No, not at this time.
Q: How can I request coverage of an event that my club, class or team is doing?
A: You can send us a request easily by going to this contact form. Please try to do this well in advance so we can give your request consideration and schedule staff to cover it.
Q: Why do you sometimes cover music and arts events at Ventura and Buena high schools?
A: Ventura’s a pretty small town. We find there is a lot of interest among Foothill students, alumni and parents in what is happening at these schools because almost every “Dragon” is friends with at least a few “Cougars” and “Bulldogs.” Also since Foothill has no sports, music or performing arts programs, our students go across town to do these activities.
Q: Can I submit an article, photo, video or comic?
A: We welcome all student submissions. Just drop it off in the journalism room (I-107) for consideration by our Editorial Review Board. Or email us at We also welcome comments and letters to the editor.
Q: How can I join The Foothill Dragon Press staff?
A: Recruitment begins in the spring during 3rd quarter. Listen for announcements about coming into the journalism room (I-107) to pick up an application. Every prospective staffer is interviewed and the top 35 students are invited to join the class for the following year, with others placed on a wait list. All staffers reapply to be in the class at the end of the year.