“Spirit Week is a week at Foothill where students dress up according to the occasion on that specific day,” said junior and Spirit Week coordinator Mallory McPherson-Wehan.
Each day of the week has a different theme and lunch activity to accompany it. Music will also be played in the quad during lunch this week.
On Monday, the theme was Pajama Day, which was celebrated with a fashion show. Tuesday’s theme was Twin Day, and there was a water balloon toss. On Wednesday, students are encouraged to dress in old western attire, as well as participate in a game of bobbing-for-apples. On Thursday, the theme is Sports Day, and at lunch there will be a tug-of-war game, and Friday is Formal Friday, which will be celebrated with another fashion show.
“The purpose of spirit week is to get the students excited about getting their API scores back and gives the freshmen and other new students an idea of what Foothill is all about,” said McPherson-Wehan.
Sophomore Anika Hernandez likes that Spirit Week gives Foothill students a chance to show their school spirit.
“I think Spirit Week is a great way to show pride and support in our school since we are not able to show it through sports like other schools,” said sophomore Anika Hernandez.
Although very content with the choices for each themed day, Hernandez also said she might like a “Disney Day” in the future.
“Spirit Week is an amazing event because it allows students that aren’t usually as social as other kids to participate, meet new friends and even show off their school spirit through costumes and fun activities,” said sophomore Shane Corbett.
Credit: Bethany Fankhauser/The Foothill Dragon Press