Foothill students and Circuit of Life members Jongseung Baek (left) and Jordan Brown (right) carry the team’s winning robot at the Los Angeles FIRST Robotics Competition. Credit: Brandon Longo. Used with permission.
The team received the Highest Rookie award last month at the Los Angeles Regional FIRST Robotics Competition, earning the distinction of the Los Angeles Regional Rookie All-Star team and a position in the national competition where they will compete against 65 other teams. Thirty-nine students from the Ventura team competed.“The team got 44th place for spirit,” Foothill sophomore and Circuit of Life member Brandon Longo said.
The mission of FIRST is to inspire young people to become science and technology leaders by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills. They also strive to inspire innovation, and foster life skills like self-confidence, communication, and leadership.Students from Foothill Technology High School, Ventura High School, Villanova Preparatory High School, El Camino High School, and Pacific High School are on the Circuit of Life team, which has grown from eight to 44 members over the year.“Their robot did great,” technology instructor Velma Lomax said. “We will have to do some fundraising, but we are hoping to take our entire team with us [to Nationals].”
This will be the first trip to the FIRST Robotics National Competition for Team 3925, and each member planning to go must raise $600.
“I am ecstatic about going on the trip,” said Foothill senior Nicole Teitel, the safety officer and secretary for the team.
The team holds two nighttime classes per week at Ventura High School where they continue to prepare their robot for the upcoming competition.
“These kids are awesome,” Lomax said. “I hope to continue and learn more about the program.”
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