On Dec. 13 and 14, 2024, Ventura Harbor Village hosted its 48th annual Parade of Lights. With the theme of “Candy Land”, local boat-owners were invited to decorate and display them in a parade whilst being judged in a contest for a grand prize. Those in attendance were also treated to holiday themed rides and treats.
Before the parade, the event provided forms of entertainment around the Ventura Harbor Village lawn. Amenities included carnival games and rides, food vendors and LED performers along the Village Promenade. Ventura Harbor storefronts were also open, allowing customers to buy ice cream from Coastal Cone or enjoy dining at local restaurants.
The boats came on after sunset at 6:30 p.m. and paraded around the harbor twice, each one showing off their decorative display of colors and props to make the boats come to life. Each boat was judged based on four categories: Decoration, creativity and artistry, use of lights/use of theme and enthusiasm and spirit. If boaters decided to participate in both days of the event, 20 extra points were added to their total.
There are three winners for the whole event, each winning a different amount of prize money. Best of Show won $500, Showstopper won $300 and the People’s Choice won $200. Each winner also won goodies from Ventura Harbor’s Brophy Bros Restaurant and Clam Bar and Deep Sea Wine Tasting Room.
Audience members were all around the Harbor Village, some choosing to stand from the sides, and others willing to pay for a more deluxe experience. Most attendees came for the festivities as one crowd member said, “It’s nice to do something festive and fun and social with a big group of people.”

Another crowd member shared, “I wanted to see the lights. I’ve never been here before, and a bunch of my friends were going, so when they asked me to go I thought why not.”
The crowd was filled with new-comers and repeat-enjoyers alike, with many finding this event a tradition. Some choose to come every year with friends as an annual celebration, while others may come because it’s something to do. One returning crowd member said, “It’s different every year. Last year it was completely different, so every year it’s new.”
As the boats went around, the audience was greeted with boats floating around with spectacles of lights or even people on the boats dressed up to match it or providing entertainment.
As the event came to a close, the Ventura Harbor provided a fireworks show to close out the festivities. People were invited to stay afterwards to enjoy more food or cocktails to help avoid the traffic coming out of the harbor.
As the evening ended, the crowd began to dwindle down and the boats returned back to their docks. Both children and adults alike murmured about their favorite boats or what ride they liked best, and who they think will win the competition. The event was a success and filled those in Ventura with the holiday spirit.