On Oct. 25, 2024, Foothill Technology (Foothill Tech) hosted its annual Trunk or Treat event in the school parking lot. Planned and coordinated by the Associated Student Body (ASB), Trunk or Treat took place during lunch, allowing upperclassmen to set up their cars during Foothill Intervention, Reinforcement and Enrichment (FIRE), as underclassmen eagerly awaited.
During FIRE, the advisory period prior to lunch, students with designated parking spots in the Foothill Tech parking lot decorated the trunks of their cars with a variety of spooky decor, ranging from caution tape and fake blood to fishing poles and life vests. Some cars had interactive elements where students played games to earn candy, bringing more life to the event.

As the event was held on the last school day before Halloween, students were encouraged to dress up in costumes to pull together the trick or treating atmosphere. Once their costumes and cars were ready, the seniors began handing out candy to under and upperclassmen alike.
While younger students gathered an array of sweet delights in festive canvas bags, listened to music and interacted with the upperclassmen, members of ASB monitored the event, guaranteeing that it ran smoothly and safely.
Despite the tenacious process of purchasing, setting up and picking up all of the decorations, many seniors decorated their trunks with a myriad of fun items. Griffin Murphy ‘25 explained “I did a Bioscience theme since I’m a lab manager for Cohort 19 … for the back of my truck I used a backboard from Bioscience, a skeleton from a family friend who loves Halloween and a turkey fryer to hold all of my candy.”
Channing McClure ‘25 decorated the trunk of her car with multiple of her close friends, “We put fake blood all over our clothes and body so we looked very massacre-like. We also wanted our car to look super spooky and cute so we went to Spirit Halloween and got some garlands, spider webs, skeletons and candy.”
Alexander Ramirez ‘26 added his perspective of the event, saying “I like how it brings us together … some of us are more fortunate than others to have parking spots and it’s nice to see them give back to the community.”
The spirit of the event is to bring Dragons back to their childhood days of trick or treating, as some students choose not to participate in it anymore. William Flannery, one of Foothill Tech’s substitute teachers, said, “I see the value that comes about and allowing [students] to be young again, and allowing [students] to be connected to that essential part of your youth; which is trick or treating.”

While in the school parking lot, students who decided to eat their candy in the moment had nowhere to put it, obliged to keep it in their hands or pockets, with some even choosing to leave their trash on the ground.
Ethan Abara ‘27 suggested, “I think for next year, there should definitely be trash cans, since there’s a ton of candy wrappers in my pocket and all over the ground.”
As the event came to a close, seniors packed their cars up and students began to clear the parking lot and head to their next class. Trunk or Treat brought festivity to campus and gave some students a sprinkle of energy before the school was over and Dragons were headed off to fall break.