On Sept. 19, 2024, Netflix released a second season to its series “Monsters,” featuring Lyle (Cooper Koch) and Erik (Nicholas Alexander) Menendez. This series tells the story of Lyle and Erik Menendez, brothers who murdered their parents Mary Louise “Kitty” (Chloe Sevigny) and José Menendez (Javier Bradem) in their Beverly Hills Mansion on the night of Aug. 20, 1989. This case has grasped the attention of people for decades and is being introduced to a new generation thanks to the series. The topics of the show are often quite disturbing and leave you wondering who is to blame for the actions of these boys, as it details the alleged acts inflicted by their parents and the assumed perspective of the boys.
The show employs the Rashomon effect, presenting different characters’ perspectives throughout the series, with the brothers’ viewpoint as the central narrative. The show received some mixed reviews due to disturbing scenes and criticisms of the show being misleading and portrayed incorrectly. The Menendez brothers themselves heard about the show and what it entails. Erik Menendez reached out and spoke on how he believes some parts of the show are inaccurate, and how particularly the role of his brother is not played accurately. Despite the numerous controversies, the show has climbed up to the number-one debuting series worldwide. Within the first three weeks of its release, it had garnered an amount of 12.3 million views between its release on Sept. 19, to Sept 22, 2024.
The series depicts how the brothers murdered their parents in fear for their lives after a lifetime of emotional, physical, sexual and psychological abuse. During the trial in July of 1993 the duo spoke out about the abuse they endured. Lawyers were hired for both of the brothers, Lyle’s being Jill Lansing (Jess Weixler) and Erik’s being Leslie Abramson (Ari Graynor). Leslie Abramson is more well known, being the only lawyer who stayed in contact with the brothers after the case was called to a deadlock and unable to reach a verdict in 1994. During that time, the case was very popular in the media and was even televised on Court TV.
On July 23, 1995, the second trial began. During the second trial, Judge Stanley Martin Weisberg banned cameras from filming in the courtroom to avoid the “media circus” that the first trial created. Lyle was also not able to testify in the second trial due to the amount of incriminating information he gave to Norma Novelli (Natalie Taylor Gray), the girlfriend he had while incarcerated. He had planned to write a book about his life with her help and thus shared sensitive information which she then leaked to the public. Erik was therefore left to convince the jury that he and his brother were innocent through his testimony alone. In July of 1996, the trial of the Menendez brothers came to an end when the judge convicted Lyle and Erik of First Degree Murder and a life sentence with no possibility of parole.
As the show comes to an end, viewers begin to wonder if the boys were truly guilty or if their parents were to blame. Many theorize that the case would have received less harsh punishment and scrutiny had they been female victims instead of males. Erik’s lawyer, Leslie Abramson, stated, “Boys aren’t supposed to be the victims, but sometimes they are.” Listening to Lyle and Erik’s journey that is filled with darkness and questioning, audiences can empathize with the perpetual fear these boys had to go through day after day but also call into question the complexities of the case.
The Menendez case continues to captivate and perplex each generation that hears it. It is a reminder of the darkness that can hide under family dynamics, even one living in one of the most up-scale and exclusive neighborhoods in the world. Nearly 30 years later, new evidence supporting the supposed abuse of Erik and Lyle has been uncovered, and the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office has decided to review the case and possibly offer a new verdict. This series was filled with multiple twists and turns that keep you engaged and wanting to see more.