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Girls tennis

Claire Hadley
Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) girls tennis team finished third in the Tri-Valley League. They were led by their captains, Lola Tennison ‘24 and Kira Branson ‘24, in the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) when the team received a wild card and got to play.

The Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) girls tennis team had an impressive season as they earned third place in league with a record of 4-4 and then ended their season with an overall record of 4-8-1. The team moved onto the first round of the California Interscholastic Federation postseason (CIF) but that is where their postseason journey ended as they were eliminated by Arcadia High School.

A couple of standout athletes include the unstoppable duo of Julia Geib ‘25 and Lola Tennison ‘24. Out of the sets they played together that season, they didn’t lose a single one, continuing their two-year undefeated streak.

When asked to sum up the season in one word, head coach Dan Fitzpatrick responded with “inconsistent.” Fitzpatrick explained what he meant, saying, “There were times when the team played really well and other times when we fell a little flat.”

Next year, Blair Grindle will take over coaching responsibilities for the girls tennis team which coach Fitzpatrick hoped, “will allow for the formation of new traditions and energy.” The Dragons with help from their new head coach look to push further into CIF in their next season.

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About the Contributors
Conor White
Conor White, Reporter
Aka Sonia. A first-year sports writer who is a runner by choice and loves eating and sleeping.
Claire Hadley
Claire Hadley, Photographer
Short girl who is addicted to the beach, chugging tea, watching "Grey's Anatomy" and manufacturing random concoctions in the kitchen.

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