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Girls volleyball

Lauren Kaller
Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) girls’ volleyball team had a record of 2-8 in the Tri-Valley league and an overall record of 10-14. Team captains, Ashlyn Mullin ‘24 and Kaili Garrett ‘24, led the team to California Scholastic Federation (CIF) playoffs where they finished the season strong in the first round.

The Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) girls volleyball season was highlighted as a season of successes and struggle as they battled their way through their respective league, closing out their season with a record of 10 – 14 overall, going 2 – 8 in league.
Their season began with a rocky start, dealing with much adversity in the early parts of the year. Their first four games all would result in a loss for Foothill Tech.
A highlight of their season would be their senior night game as they bid their departing seniors farewell. The seniors enjoyed their final game on the court with their teammates, knowing the lasting impact they had on the culture at Foothill Tech and specifically within the girls volleyball team
While the girls volleyball season was a battle, they enjoyed their time on the court and look forward to applying what they’ve learned in future seasons, continuing the culture of the team the seniors left behind.

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About the Contributors
Dane Dodos
Dane Dodos, Reporter
“I don’t know how to put this, but I’m kind of a big deal.” - Ron Burgundy
Lauren Kaller
Lauren Kaller, Photographer
6'4" baller. 

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