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Boys soccer

Lauren Kaller
Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) boys soccer made it deep into CIF, led by team captains, Matheus Gamble ‘24, Diego Flores Orozco ‘24 and Merric Bayless ‘24. The team worked tirelessly to earn third place in league with a record of 6-2-1.

The Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) boys soccer team triumphed throughout the season, advancing through the league and the early parts of CIF and all the way to the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) semi finals. They ended their season with an overall record of 11-7-3, and a league record of 6-2-1.
Their season leading up to CIF marked many significant wins for the Dragons as they continued the momentum from their early season all the way up until their last match prior to the beginning of the CIF postseason. In the first round of CIF the Dragons edged out Fairmont Preparatory Academy (Fairmont), 1-0. They continued to fight through the best in their division until their final game against Esperanza High School (Esperanza), which concluded with a score of 0-4.
Asher Bayless ‘26 commented on how it felt to make it so far into CIF and what the team community is like within Foothill Tech, saying, “It was a really amazing experience going deep into CIF with the team. Not only being able to keep playing but the more time and games together made us like a family.”
After a long season, the Dragons were proud of what they’d accomplished throughout the year. While they may have been disappointed to conclude their season without winning CIF, the Dragons are set on continuing what they’ve learned from this season and putting it into practice for the 2024-2025 school year.

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About the Contributors
Dane Dodos
Dane Dodos, Reporter
“I don’t know how to put this, but I’m kind of a big deal.” - Ron Burgundy
Lauren Kaller
Lauren Kaller, Photographer
6'4" baller. 

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