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Girls soccer

Taylor Schmidt
Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) girls soccer did exceptionally well in league, placing first with a record of 8-1-1. Led by team captains Shayna Dearman-So ‘24, Taylor Listen ‘24, Cameryn Henuber ‘24 and Eva Goncalves ‘25, the team made it to round one of CIF playoffs.

The Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) girls soccer team made waves throughout the school year as they advanced through the season making it to the first round of the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF). The Dragons boasted an impressive record of 10-4-1 and a league record of 8-1-1.
The team’s early parts of the season were highlighted by dominance over the field winning games against St. Bonaventure High School, Thatcher School and Fillmore High School as they continued to progress with their eyes set on advancing to the CIF postseason.
With their performances, they quickly advanced to number one within their respective league as they entered into CIF. With hopes of going deep into the postseason, they went up against Thousand Oaks High School. However, the Dragons faced an unfortunate loss of 1-4, eliminating them from CIF and ending their season.
While the season’s conclusion was a disappointment, it was a bittersweet moment for the Dragons as the team was proud to make it as far as they did and honor the seniors who were able to enjoy their final few games on the pitch.

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About the Contributors
Dane Dodos
Dane Dodos, Reporter
“I don’t know how to put this, but I’m kind of a big deal.” - Ron Burgundy
Taylor Schmidt
Taylor Schmidt, Photographer
I'm a first-year photographer who enjoys spending time with my family, friends and sleeping in.

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