The transition from eighth grade to ninth grade is a formative step for all students. It can prove to be a very challenging time as ninth graders learn to adjust to the demands of high school. The fear of not meeting friends or struggling with academics is a reality for many freshmen entering a larger, often-intimidating environment. Despite the sense of doom that falls upon most students transitioning into high school, Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) ninth graders reflected confidently on their completion of the first quarter.
For Katelyn Newman ‘27, settling into high school has had its silver lining. Newman ‘27 explained how, “adjusting to the campus and figuring out where all the classes [was difficult],” but, “I did enjoy meeting new people and making more friends.”
Celia Medina ‘27 expressed some hardships she faced while transitioning into high school. “Maybe only one of the hard things was adjusting to the higher level of the classes and the curriculum,” Medina said. Medina also reflected positively on Foothill Tech’s efforts in making ninth graders feel comfortable, stating, “I think they have done a good job because they’ve been so welcoming so far.”

Foothill Tech has organized numerous events this school year, such as Freshman Friday, Trunk or Treat and a “Friday the 13th” Renaissance Rally, providing students with opportunities to participate and enjoy themselves. Newman shared how Foothill Tech’s events made her feel more at home in her new school. “I think it’s a very social, involved school and they put on a lot of events … and I think that’s helpful,” Newman said.
In addition, Foothill Tech clubs and athletics have given ninth grade students a chance to connect with students they may have otherwise not met. According to Madden Velasco ‘27, “I think the hardest part was being scared I wasn’t going to have friends, but then I had joined the volleyball team, so I made lots of friendships over there.”
English teacher Jennifer Kindred highlighted potential enhancements to make a smoother transition for ninth graders entering Foothill Tech. She stated, “I would like to see more communication between the teachers of the freshmen … just more cohesive meetings or something about kids who might be struggling.”
Kindred also expressed that more communication would help her know what ninth graders may be facing on any given day to help her decide when to give a test. Kindred ended by stating, “I think that could help kids so we don’t overwhelm them.”
Amidst the challenges and triumphs, Foothill Tech’s newest of dragons have stretched their wings as they embark on the rest of their transformative high school journey.