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Girls volleyball triumphs over Laguna Blanca in first league game

The Dragon girls’ varsity volleyball players gather together to take a group photo after earning another win with an ending score of 15-13 in game five, the tie-breaking game.

On Aug. 31, the Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) girls’ volleyball team went in with high spirits, in which they prepared to play their first league game against Laguna Blanca School (Laguna Blanca). The Dragons were successful, winning 3-2 after being tied 2-2 going into the fifth set.

The Dragons had a quick start , as they won the first set 28-26. The Dragon’s momentum didn’t stop there, as they continued to thrive and won the second set, giving them a 2-0 lead.

Laguna Blanca fought back in the third set, securing the win to bring the game 2-1 with Foothill Tech still in the lead. The Dragons continued to falter, Laguna Blanca to win another set which brought the game 2-2, heading into the last set to determine the game winners.

Foothill Tech rebounded as they came back in the fifth and final set to secure the set and along with it, the game.

Channing McClure ’25 spoke on the team’s progression during the game, saying, “The first two games were pretty good, I mean we fought really hard in the first game … but the third and fourth we kind of just gave up, but the fifth we came back.”

When asked about how the season is shaping up for the team, Morgan Houston ‘25 said, “I feel like our team is coming together and being able to work together better.”

The Dragons next game will be their second league game at home against their rivals, St. Bonaventure High School (Bonnie) on Tuesday, Sept. 12.

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Chance Leandro
Chance Leandro, Reporter
Aka Gumpkin. Second-year sports writer who is chronically late.
Fiona Aulenta
Fiona Aulenta, Videographer
“I make bad decisions frequently. They're fun.” - SZA

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