Foothill Tech students elect new ASB representatives for 2023-2024 school year
Future ASB President Rhea Gill ’25 invites students to vote for her at the candidate faire on Feb. 8, 2023 with a sign that reads “Vote Rhea 4 ASB Prez.”
February 18, 2023
As spring approaches at Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech), preparations for the 2023-23 school year have started with requests for next year’s classes, program fairs and college acceptance letters for seniors. In addition to these different preparations, the Associated Student Body (ASB) held their annual election process to elect a new president and vice president for the sophomore, junior and senior classes, as well as the general ASB president and ASB vice president.

The election process took place from Feb. 1, 2023 to Feb. 14, 2023 with hardcore campaigning. The different candidates advertised their candidacy through social media posts, banners and posters hung up around campus. The school grounds were filled with advertising from each running student, including hallways covered with posters.
The candidates consisted of Rhea Gill ’25 and Karen Estrada ’24 for ASB president, Joshua Gelman ’26 and Angelina Hernandez ’24 for vice president, Serena Martinez ’24 for senior class president, Max Fielder ’25 for junior class president, Miranda Aguilar ’25 for junior class vice president and Naomi Schwartz ’26 for sophomore class president.
During the two weeks of campaigning, a candidate fair was held for the first time at the back of the quad on Feb. 8, 2023 instead of traditional videos. There, the ASB representatives were able to meet with students and further advertise their candidacy. Gill mentioned that, “it was nice to have the opportunity to have a booth and to talk to some students who I haven’t met yet.”
A couple of candidates had stressed the fact that there was a lack of advertisement. They suggested that there could have been more announcements made on campus about events such as the candidate fair. As Gelman had stated, “we had a fair but no one really knew about it.”
All of the candidates showed their determination and motivations for running. When Estrada was asked why she was running, she said, “ASB is basically my whole life, I’ve been doing it for like five years, it’s just like my family. I don’t know what other place I would want to be.”
The election was not only a serious matter to consider responsibility and accountability, but an emotional process for students that had been in leadership for years.
On Feb. 15, 2023 students were able to vote for their preferred ASB representative through a voting poll sent via email. Posters with a QR code were also posted around the school for easy access to the voting platform. After all the votes had been counted, the results were announced the following day. The ASB election results are as follows:
ASB President: Rhea Gill
ASB Vice President: Joshua Gelman
Senior Class President: Serena Martinez
Junior Class President: Max Fielder
Junior Class Vice President: Miranda Aguilar
Sophomore Class President: Naomi Schwartz
After a long two weeks of campaigning, ASB candidates had not only shown their dedication to ASB but to Foothill Tech as a whole. It is evident that the 2023-2024 ASB representatives are determined to make Foothill Tech a better school and home for students.