Get To Know The Clubs At Foothill
In case you accidentally passed by a table, didn’t get enough information, or completely missed out on the 2019-2020 Club Rush event altogether, these are the currently available clubs. It’s not too late to join or find out what exciting opportunities each club has to offer, join a club that’s right for you.
Garden club, one of the various interest groups offered at Foothill.
September 30, 2019
Foothill has a variety of opportunities for students. Join a club whether you need some extra community service hours, want to make some new friends, be apart of something you’re passionate about, or just want to have a classroom to hang out in during lunch.
Interest Groups

Anime club is set up with decorations and mounds of books
Anime Club: Anime club meets Thursdays at lunch in room G108 with Jackie Mayoral ‘20 as president. This club is dedicated to all things anime, whether you just want to relax with people who have similar interests, draw some manga or write, or watch and discuss anime.
Culture Club: Culture Club appreciates countries and cultures across the world. With the help of student ambassadors, members have the opportunity to try different foods from other countries and to submerge themselves into other cultures. The club is run by Noelle Hayward ‘21 and meets every two weeks in H108, the first and third Friday of the month.
The Jesus Club: The club is run by Jacob Newton ‘21 and his goal is to provide a place to interact with your peers outside of class and engage with the community. Find this club in the Black Box Tuesdays at lunch.
Girls Who Code: Students who had attended Club Rush might have pondered at the two boys sitting at the table titled “Girls Who Code” but, there really is no punchline to the event. The club is open to all genders and meets with coding teacher, Conni Carr and the president of the club, Allison Sim ‘20 in room D104. They plan to meet monthly, the specific day yet to be determined, to code together. “We’re for pushing boundaries in this club and expanding new horizons,” Scott Hixon ‘22 said.
Fantasy and Sci-Fi: “The Sci-fi Fantasy Club is a club where we celebrate the differences and similarities within sci-fi and fantasy. For example, Star Trek, Star Wars, off the top of my head, Harry Potter,” Clarice Cortez ‘23 said. Throughout the year, with club president William Oxford ‘23, they hope to hold their own masquerades, movie nights and live-action role-plays. They meet in room G105 on Tuesdays at lunch.
Garden Club: Co-presidents Rebekah Yahner ‘20 and Jaymes Howard ‘20 have hopes of replenishing Foothill’s garden and making it an enjoyable space on campus. They plan to start a “grow off,” host bake sales to raise money for supplies and start a compost program. Garden Club meets in room G106 on Thursdays at lunch.
Activism Based

Girl Up club is prepared with infographics
Be Heard: Co-presidents Samantha Toledo ‘20 and Esmeralda Saucedo’s ‘20 vision is “to make everyone feel comfortable and welcomed on this campus and this club will provide you with a platform to voice your concerns,” Lesly Vaca ‘20 said. This club discusses events that occur on campus and holds panels for students who wish to voice their concerns. It is a safe space where students with disabilities, for those who identify with Queer-Straight Alliance (QSA) or are considered racial minorities can talk openly. Students can find this club in D107 on Thursdays.
QSA: The QSA club is considered a safe space for those who identify with the LGBTQ+ community, QSA which stands for Queer-Straight Alliance, meets in I108 Thursdays at lunch, whether you identify as LGBTQ+ or an ally. “We have district officials come if there’s an issue we need to discuss. We also put on Pride Week and we have guest speakers too,” Sean Quinn ‘22, president of QSA said.
Environmental Club: Environmental Club takes place in room D107, every other week on Tuesdays at lunch. C0-presidents, Matthew Godfrey ‘20 and Noah Hilles ’20, run a club all about the environment, watching nature documentaries, helping with volunteer events and hosting the annual Environmental Dance with proceeds going to a chosen charity. The club is also partnered with the Surfrider Foundation and Botanical Gardens.
Girl Up: A United Nations Foundation, Girl Up Club, sends money to developing countries so that underprivileged girls have the opportunity to go to school. It is an activist group, run by Brianna Skinner ‘20, where members can earn half an hour of community service at each meeting. They have currently raised a thousand dollars to benefit girls in need. This club meets in I108 on Thursdays at lunch.
FTHS March for our lives Club: Also known as, MFOL meets in room I109, every Friday at lunch, with co-presidents Charlotte Steiger ‘20 and Aline Rodriguez ‘20. This club focuses on spreading awareness with regards to gun violence. It’s determined to be completely inclusive to all political viewpoints and will be hosting their very own political debates as well as participating in activities within and out of school.
Community Service

Interact club is set up with signs and info
WE Club: This club focuses on social activism within the community, nation and world. People within the club have the opportunity to attend WE Day, an annual event that has celebrities and motivational speakers. WE Club has hosted the period product drive and formed the MSO mentorship program. The club also offers a half an hour of community service for each meeting you attend. If you’re interested, come to D107 Wednesdays at lunch or for more information talk with Aline Rodriguez ‘20, the president of We Club.
Teen Voice: Teen Voice is a leadership club that is run through the City of Ventura’s Parks and Recreation Department. Members have the opportunity to gain half an hour of community service at each meeting. “We put on numerous projects a year, our main one is the Thanksgiving basket collection where we collect items for Thanksgiving dinners for underprivileged families who generally wouldn’t have a Thanksgiving meal that night,” Delaney Hong ‘20, president of Teen Voice said. Meetings occur in H104 on Tuesdays at lunch.
Kiwin’s Club: Another club where you can gain a half an hour of community service for each meeting is Kiwin’s Club. Kiwin’s Club meets in D106 Mondays at lunch. The club incorporates fun social interaction and activities to their mission. “Who wants to do regular community service? No one. Who wants to do fun community service? Everyone,” Devin Franke ‘21, president of Kiwin’s Club said.
Interact Club: This club is run through the volunteer corporation, Rotary International, and students who join can have the opportunity to gain community service hours. You can “volunteer to dump colors on the runners at the Color Run, volunteer at the Ventura College firework show and we have a big trip down to Mexico which is absolutely free and we build houses with the community down there,” Jordan Vernand ‘22, Interact Club Treasurer said. Interact Club meets in the Media Center on the first Friday of the month with Carly Leandro ‘20 as president.
Creative Outlets

Art club uses unique and funny techniques to draw people in
Art Club (NAHS): Art Club is apart of the National Art Honors Society (NAHS). Throughout the year, Art Club plans to experiment with multiple mediums, focusing each month on one in particular whether that be ceramics or painting. They hope to go to a couple of field trips this year, one to art museums in LA and across the street to Ventura College’s Ceramics Department. Isabella Hall ‘20 is the president of the club which meets on Mondays in D105.
Comedy Club: When you need to take a moment to laugh, stop by in room H105 on Wednesdays at lunch. Comedy Club provides a safe space for students to laugh, make jokes and watch videos of professional comedians. Those who have a little stage fright are still encouraged to join to escape the daily stress that comes with school and home life. For more information, speak to Keola Kohn ‘21, president of Comedy Club.
Dance Club: For those who want to be apart of a team or squad, Dance Club provides the opportunity to let loose and dance Hip Hop in the Black Box Fridays at lunch. The president of the club, Laura Gonzalez ‘20, encourages those who have never danced before or are nervous to still join. Dance club is about learning and building up a team. With the hope of obtaining more members, Dance Club aspires to possibly one day start performing before sports games or even putting on a show at Spirito Hall.
Drama Club: Drama Club meets in G106 on Wednesdays after school from 3:15-4:00. This year they are doing the play entitled, She Kills Monsters, an adventurous story inspired by the game, Dungeons and Dragons. Whether you’re ready to audition, take a role, rehearse/perform, or work backstage, students are needed to make this year’s school play a success.
Fantastic Dragons and Tabletop RPG: This club meets in room F105 with the president of the club, Kate Leung ‘21, on Mondays at lunch. It’s an interest and fan club for those who enjoy Fantastic Dragons and Tabletop RPG. Members are encouraged to take part in role-playing games, write or draw story-based games and hang out with their peers.
Academic Groups

Speech and Debate: The Speech and Debate Team meet in D107, Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 3:05-5:00, where students can improve their writing and speaking skills. Speech and Debate is counted as an eighth-period class so it can “actually help your GPA rise up too,” Michelle Kim ‘20, president of Speech and Debate said. Besides meeting and competing with students from other schools, the Speech and Debate Team competes at many tournaments, some even overnight.
HOSA: HOSA Future Health Professionals is an exclusive leadership program for Bioscience Academy members only. They run our school’s blood drive, help out with the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation and organize cancer walks like Relay for Life. Their goal is to spread the love of science to future generations. For those within Bioscience and/or HOSA the meetings are held in room E104 on Thursdays with co-presidents Lillian Grant ‘20 and Cady Moore ‘20.
AVID Club: Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Club is only for those already enrolled in the AVID Class. This club plans bonding days such as the event they throw called Senior Day. At the end of the year, they also plan the AVID Student of the Year Award for all grade levels. The club meets in room F108 monthly with club president, Samantha Toledo ‘20.