On Thursday, Nov. 17, students gathered in mourning on the stage during lunch to give their condolences to Buena High School regarding the recent suicide of a female Buena student.*
The daily bulletin announced that the poster would be available for signing on Wednesday and Thursday.
The poster read, “Foothill Feels Buena’s Loss” in large, bolded text. Messages from students such as “We are here for you—stay strong,” “We are here for you and always will remember her” and “Sorry for your loss Buena. FTHS will always support you” were clustered across the poster sheet.
Buena teacher Valerie Zeko said, “our class made cards for the family.” Zeko taught at Foothill up until this year; she is now an English teacher at Buena High. Zeko also said that she has noticed an impact on her students who knew the student personally.
Buena principal Bobbi Powers shared that the student’s death has had a substantial impact on both staff and students.
Powers is now working with district personnel and outside agency in order to “reach every student who needs help,” and encourages students to talk to a trusted adult if they have a friend who may need help. Powers asserted that Buena’s message is that “all students matter and there is help out there for anyone feeling sad or with suicidal thoughts.”
Editor’s note: If you are at risk, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK to talk with a professionally trained counselor.

*Until further notice is given by the family, we will not disclose the name of the student.