Girl’s death touches hearts at Foothill (11 photos)

Family and friends have left flowers outside Alaina Stockdill's home where she was allegedly murdered by her mother. Photo and slideshow by Sobeida Curiel/The Foothill Dragon Press.

Jocelyn Rodriguez

Family and friends have left flowers outside Alaina Stockdill’s home where she was allegedly murdered by her mother. Photo and slideshow by Sobeida Curiel/The Foothill Dragon Press.

After recently regaining custody of her eight-year old daughter, Blair Stockdill was arrested Monday September 20, 2010 for the suspected murder of eight-year old Alaina Stockdill.

Alaina was found dead in her bathtub, although the autopsy has yet to be conducted, the cause of death is most likely asphyxia by drowning according to the Ventura County Medical Examiners’ Office. The child had been dead for several days, and it was not until her mother’s boyfriend began asking for Alaina’s whereabouts that she was found.

Neighbors reported seeing Alaina on Sunday but reports by Elmhurst Elementary confirm that she had been absent since Tuesday. Neighbors noticed the absence of the girl, but never could have speculated what had occurred to her.

Many students at school have had to feel the emotional effect of the girl’s death, since it occurred in their neighborhood. Joana Chavez, resident in Peppertree and a junior at Foothill now realizes that, “Now I feel even more conscious about my surroundings.”

Neighbors are upset that the sweet little girl down the street will no longer be a presence in their lives. They will be deprived of the joyous laughter of the happy eight year old Alaina. Many fear for the safety of the children in that area, including Celeste Lopez, junior, hopes that changes in security will be made.

“I don’t want this to happen again, there are a lot of kids that live [in Peppertree] there,” Lopez points out.

Police arrived at 1300 Saratoga Ave, in the Peppertree apartment complex and found Stockdill’s boyfriend with knife wounds in his arms. However the reason neighbors had called authorities was due to the screams heard, which exclaimed, “She’s dead.”

Neighbors including Foothill students have gathered each day around the scene of the crime to pray for eternal peace for young Alaina and will always remember her in their hearts.

Investigation concerning the murder is still ongoing, but meanwhile Blair Stockdill, 25 has been arrested and sent to the Ventura County Jail.



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