The Seaside Highland Games came to the Ventura County Fairgrounds October 10-11 to provide a sense of Scottish culture to Ventura.
The games have a variety of activities such as music, dancing and friendly competition. A plethora of booths all with different themes filled the park and brought a great diversity to the event.
Multiple bands of differing popularity put on live performances for the attendees. These bands included Bad Haggis, Wicked Tinkers, Celtic Spring, and Highland Way, all playing wonderful, unique music for the entertainment of all involved.
Traditional Scottish clans were also represented with booths depicting that clan’s history and significance in Scottish history and culture. The most enthusiastic and entertaining clan was awarded a prize during the closing ceremonies on Sunday.
The bagpiping and drum competition is a classic and highly important part of the games. This year, it was headed by Ken Helms. Competitors from places as far away as Salt Lake City came to Ventura to compete individually and as a group for the crowd’s pleasure.
The Seaside Highland Games also was a popular event for many students in Ventura. A great deal of students from all grades were present to assist in many different areas for community service or simply for the fun of it.
This wonderful event comes to the Ventura County Fairgrounds on the second weekend of October every year. This fine tradition has been in practice since 2003 and will hopefully continue with all the enthusiasm as has been already demonstrated.
Photo Credit: A little boy serves as a drum major at the Highland Games. Photo by Jennifer Clegg.