After a week of campaigning, proposing prospective plans for the next school year and vying for votes, the Associated Student Body (ASB) president and vice president for 2018-2019 were announced to the running candidates on Friday, March 9.
Foothill’s ASB President for the next school year will be Abby Sourwine ‘19 and Foothill’s vice president will be Josiah Beharry ‘19.
It is the job of the ASB president to not just coordinate the ASB class itself, but all ASB-run events. The ASB vice president focuses more on being the figurehead of the Renaissance Program and assisting the President.
Sourwine is “super excited” to be elected as president, but is still overwhelmed that “this is real and not just an idea in [her] head, like it has been since freshman year.”
Sourwine plans to improve communication in the ASB classroom and from ASB to the students. She intends to carry out these plans by posting the upcoming ASB events outside the media center, having a suggestion box for Foothill students and taking social media polls.
“I want students to have more of a say of what’s happening [on campus] and have more fun because of that,” Sourwine expressed.
Sourwine is also excited take the time to bond with the ASB class and with her vice president next year and to encourage the family atmosphere.
Beharry is very happy that he won and is excited to work alongside Sourwine the next year.
“I’m not the most popular candidate, so I learned that sometimes the underdog can win,” Beharry shared. “I’m just really excited that people saw that.”
Beharry is excited to make more of a celebration out of holidays such as National Diversity Day and International Women’s Day, as well as invest his time into building up the Renaissance program.
Regarding Renaissance, Beharry thinks “it’s very important to recognize everyone, no matter how small the achievement.”
Sourwine and Beharry congratulated all five of the candidates for their hard work and enthusiasm for the school and the ASB program.
“I want to congratulate all the students who ran, [… because] they all have so much dedication to the school and are willing to make change. I am so proud to be standing next to them at all,” Sourwine said.
Editor’s note: Abby Sourwine is a member of the Foothill Dragon Press. She was not involved in the writing or production of this article in any way.