Wendi Butler, who has been on a member of Foothill’s teaching staff since the school’s doors opened in 2000, has accepted a teaching offer to work at Cate School, a prestigious private boarding school located in Carpinteria next year.
“It was a very hard decision to make, probably one of the biggest decisions I have ever had to make,” said Butler.
After being offered a job at Cate in January, Butler was torn for three to four weeks. In the end though, she has decided to leave for the new available opportunity for herself and her family.
At Cate, Butler will only have to manage four classes – two biology and two AP Biology classes – with a maximum of 48 students.
“The largest number of students I can have is 14 students per class,” said Butler.
The smaller class size and a fewer number of classes to have to teach and prep for will allow Butler to spend more time with her family and not be as stressed about school. She will have an opportunity to participate with her son’s schooling and be more involved in his life as a mom.
“This is also going to be a wonderful opportunity for my son. He can play outside and get dirty and I won’t have to worry about cars or bad people bothering him. He can enjoy the great nature out here too.”
At the boarding school, Butler will be living in a “cozy 1950s home” that has more space than their current home and has a view of the surrounding forest and mountains.
She will also have opportunity to enjoy the safe, breathtaking environment that surrounds the school and home on a daily basis.
“This school really appeals to my outdoorsy personality,” said Butler, adding, “It is absolutely beautiful. I can be in the mountains, but be back at home in 15 minutes.”
“It will be interesting, and possibly smelly, living next door to two freshman boy dormitories, but different,” said Butler, with a smile filling her face. “I know that it will be lovely though.”
Butler mentioned that she was going to miss the camaraderie of the staff and students here at Foothill.
“There is this quirkiness about Foothill where we can always try new things here,” laughed Butler.
Until Butler leaves however, she is still unsure of who her replacement for Physiology Honors, Medical Technology, and AP Biology (if offered next year) will be.
“I won’t know for sure until the budget is resolved. Hopefully, it will be Mrs. Anderson,” said Butler.
Mika Anderson previously taught Biology and AP Biology at Foothill but left in 2007 on maternity leave.
Butler is currently training science teacher Darcy Perez to take over the BioScience Academy next school year. Butler believes that while it will be a change, the high caliber system can be maintained.
“The program will definitely evolve, and continue to be successful. New leaders will bring new personality to the program which is a good thing,” said Butler.