After successfully getting a 906 API score, the highest that Foothill has ever received, the school took a trip to Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia. While most students tried the thrilling rides and fried food, the day was not much of a change for teachers who attended the trip since their day was mostly spent grading essays and homework assignments.
Anthony Villa III, a Calculus and geometry teacher at Foothill, exclaimed, “It took about half an hour to walk from the Moose Lodge to one of the rides, but after six hours of grading, it was worth it.”
Meanwhile, students ventured off to go on as many rides as the day would allow them, stopping only for the memorable photo, or to get some food for their starving stomachs. Many students were seen busting out to their favorite songs as they walked along the park.
Not even the somewhat long lines could stop the students from going on their favorite rides. One of the crowd favorites, X2, had to be temporarily shut down due to an employee’s panic attack earlier in the day. Luckily, no one was seriously injured, and the ride was soon restarted.
Although Six Flags can be a trip anybody can take whenever they like, there is something about going with the school that makes it special.
Senior Joseph Corral explained, “We are given something to look forward to, and our incentive to study hard and do well on STAR testing is Magic Mountain.”
Most upperclassmen attend the trip, but the freshmen class had to stay behind since their scores from last year did not contribute to Foothill’s overall API score. They started the day thinking the school would be theirs, since everyone else was gone.
“It felt as if it was the best day ever, knowing that we had a special schedule, until Dana reminded us that the rest of the school was going to Six Flags,” freshman Sergio Rodriguez said sadly.
Hopefully, next year the freshman will also make Foothill proud and have their chance of going to Six Flags by achieving a higher API score.