New teacher Daniel Fitz-Patrick teaches 10th grade World History and English and enjoys using his love of learning to teach his students.
Fitz-Patrick chose to teach History and English because he hates being confined to the “concrete thinking” involved with subjects like math. He said his beliefs are well represented by a quote by David McCullough: “It is a shame that history is ever made dry and tedious.”
Fitz-Patrick has visited several different countries, including Ireland, Great Britain, Spain, Greece, Australia, and New Zealand. His experiences provide him with many interesting and humorous stories that enliven his classroom.
Sophomore Brennen Hasty appreciates Fitz-Patrick’s enthusiasm for teaching.
“He’s a pretty cool teacher who ensures that history isn’t nearly as boring as it is often believed to be,” Hasty said.
Some Foothill students will recognize Fitz-Patrick from his years teaching at Balboa Middle School. Sophomore Brianna Clark looks forward to another year with Fitz-Patrick.
“I had Mr. Fitz as my history teacher in 8th grade, so I was really excited to have him again this year,” Clark said. “His lessons are never boring, and he always finds a way to make the class laugh. What I love most about his teaching style is that he makes you question your own opinions and view things from a different perspective.”
Fitz-Patrick anticipates the challenge of working with high school students and preparing them for their future. He recognizes the fact that they face many more demands and commitments than middle school students, including balancing school curriculum with outside activities.
He also believes that it is important for a teacher to have patience and be aware that students learn at different paces and with different techniques.
“I’ve always enjoyed history and learning, and I like being able to just bring that to life for students,” Fitz-Patrick said.