From Dec. 16, through Dec. 20, 2024, Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) students begin semester one finals to conclude the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year. Along with the new yearly calendar, students study and prepare for their tests and projects in each class, rewarded with a long winter break afterward.
For finals, teachers give students an assignment to accumulate the knowledge they’ve learned throughout the duration of the school year, and some choose to give a test to round out the current curriculum. Regardless of the assignment, students often find their weeks being filled with studying and stress while reviewing for each and every class.
Freshman, class of 2028, find themselves faced with their first round of finals, some regard themselves as nervous, others not so much. Trudy Ragsdale ‘28 said, “I’m not sure what to expect. I feel like I’ll do well on most of my finals, specifically the ones I feel more confident in.”
Seniors, on the other hand, can walk into finals with the knowledge that they will conclude the first semester of their last year at Foothill Tech. Though their final year of high school is halfway through, some find it difficult to manage their work life, college applications and finals at the same time.

Madison Brinkhoff ‘25 said, “Managing work, a part-time job while also getting my college applications and studying for my AP [Advanced Placement] finals has definitely been a challenge the last few weeks. But knowing that I have so much to look forward to in the new year has kept me motivated.”
With the new 2024-25 schedule, Foothill Tech students have mixed feelings about the change and how it impacts finals week. While taking finals before break does allow students to have a more stress-free new year, it also leads to pressure right before a major holiday and during the height of college application season.
Erika Peoples ‘26 said, “I don’t like it very much because kids will be stressing about their grades over the holiday break. But it’s a lot better than studying over the holiday break for finals.”
In preparation, students have been studying in various ways, such as learning in groups or alone. Everyone has a different study methods, and some see finals as one of the most stressful times of the year because of the workload and sleep deprivation.
Camila Perez Lopez ‘27 said, “My free time has gone down for sure, it’s been hard trying to manage everything on top of finals. I have been drinking more caffeine to make up for lack of sleep which also makes me more anxious.”
Finals week is typically a very stressful and busy time for most students, but with the new schedule change, there will be no pressure from finals over winter break. So as students walk out the door for the holiday, they won’t have to focus on the demands of finals, but only on enjoying their break to the fullest.