On Sept. 4, 2024, the seniors at Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) were dismissed from their fourth-period classes, notably 15 minutes early. Grateful for the vacant hallways and untenanted tables, the ancient, wise Dragons of Foothill Tech descended upon the quad for the annual senior picnic.
The blazing sun glared down onto the quad’s stage, where the Associated Student Body (ASB) was positioned underneath a canopy, eager to provide the class of 2025 with both Urbane Cafe and new memories.
Maxwell Fielder ‘25, a member of ASB stated, “For Urbane Cafe we had to call a couple weeks in advance to get all that set up. There are many types of sandwiches like the California SoCal, which is super popular. We also had to order a bunch of new tablecloths, we had to arrange the quad, we set up games and we have a few coordinated events that are happening during it, it’ll be fun!”

However, prior to their long-awaited meal, the class of 2025 was directed by staff and faculty to the front of the school. The wave of students cheered and cheesed for a plethora of photos: silly, standing, serious, smiling, sitting and more.
Shaurya Shyam ‘25 commented on the photo shoot, “We have all been together at Foothill [Tech] for the past four years, and some of us even went to middle school or elementary together, so it’s crazy that years later we have this photo of all us, where we’re older, different people, but know each other so much more.”
As the class of 2025 flooded the stage, they became a hungry swarm, aching for a meal from Urbane Cafe, free of charge. There were seven different options for sandwiches, as well as chips and an assortment of fun drinks.
Commenting on the food choices by ASB, Vivian Ryan ‘25 expressed, “I loved the Coke Zero. They definitely splurged; it was great.”
Ryan also expressed her appreciation for the variety of sandwiches available, “They did have gluten-free sandwiches which was awesome since I’m gluten-free, it was really cool.”
After acquiring their meal, the class of 2025 gathered in the quad, talking and playing the games provided by ASB. The quad was heavily decorated, with red, white and black balloons and streamers, a reference to Foothill Tech’s mascot colors. Likewise, a variety of picnic tables lined the quad, clad with tablecloths and musical decor, alluding to this year’s theme of “a year for the records.”
Besides the overall appreciation for Urbane Cafe, the spike ball nets and the musical decor, students mentioned a couple of improvements they hope to see for next year.

Channing McClure ‘25 touched upon the effectiveness of the line for food, stating, “There’s so many seniors this year, like two-hundred and something, so just the fact that there’s so many of us trying to get into two little lines feels kind of inefficient since we’re also kinda in the way of all the other students.”
In similar manner, Ruby Mecham ‘26, a member of ASB, stated, “I think the senior picnic went well, but we struggled a bit at the beginning with the rush and we weren’t fully set up in time.”
However, the event was still incredibly memorable and fun for the Dragons involved. McClure mentioned, “I know we all have conflicting schedules, you know because it’s senior year. So some of us have 6th periods and some of us don’t, and the fact that we all gotta stick together, have a meal, listen to music and see all of our friends who are also seniors was really nice.”
Similarly, Fielder expressed, “It’s a little bittersweet. I’ve been in ASB all 4 years now and I’ve worked this event all 4 years, so it’s weird to finally not work it and to actually celebrate it.”
After an hour of sandwiches, spike ball, music and most strikingly, the Coke Zero, the class of 2025 flocked to class, tired yet apprehensive. They finished the day with anticipation, as the senior picnic signified the first of many senior events to come.