Students at Foothill Tech celebrate a “Year for the Records” with the first connection week of the 2024-2025 school year
Students of Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) anticipated a music themed spirit week of the genres blues, rock, rap, chill and pop for the first connection week of the 2024-2025 school year. During the week of Aug. 26 to Aug. 30 the Associative Student Body (ASB) hosted a week of themed outfit days for students and staff to showcase their school spirit.
The halls of Foothill Tech were filled with various outfits representing different styles of music from rap to the blues. The theme of this spirit week fits in perfectly with the overall theme of this year, “A Year for the Records.”
Monday kicked off connection week with students decked out in outfits themed around a historical music genre: the blues. Tuesday’s theme was rock music, where students around campus were seen wearing band T-shirts and inflatable guitars. Following along with the theme, on Wednesday students were encouraged to wear outfits based on the rap genre. On Thursday, students were encouraged to show up in pajamas, with the theme being LoFi/Chill music. Finally, to finish the spirit week, on Friday the theme was Pop music.
ASB provided fun activities in the quad to encourage student participation, such as painting rocks on Tuesday, a story time at lunch on Thursday and finally otter pops and a water balloon toss on Friday.
Student participation was minimal on the first few days of connection week, but as the week continued and ASB hosted events, students and staff began to play along with the week’s themes. Erika Peoples ‘26 said that student participation, “makes me happy … especially seeing more than just the same people [participating].”
Spirit week was a way to encourage students to go out of the norm and venture into different styles. Music can ultimately create a tool that students use to connect, bond and relax. By giving students the opportunity to seek out different genres of music through spirit week, it granted students the chance to connect with their peers, staff and show their school pride.
This connection week created an atmosphere of motivation and excitement, which allowed students to feel comfortable to show off their creative outfits and passion towards music.