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Athlete of the Week: Ariel Montejano

Carol Leandro
Ariel Montejano ’25 receives Athlete of the Week for her remarkable track and field season, where she has displayed exceptional skills in shot put. The Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) community appreciates all her hard work in representing the school.

On May 25, Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) saw an athlete leave a lasting mark on the track and field program and the school as a whole. At the California Interscholastic Federation’s (CIF) State Championships, Ariel Montejano ‘25 placed first in the para-ambulatory shot put to take home the first state title in program history.

Montejano was first introduced to shot put and discus when she was in fifth grade at an event called Angel City Games in which para-ambulatory athletes are can learn and try a wide variety of sports. Although she didn’t compete in her middle school years, when she came to Foothill Tech and learned of the opportunity to throw as part of the track and field program, her interest was renewed.

“Why not try it again?” Montejano stated and continued, “I really enjoyed the experience, so I stuck with it.”

Montejano certainly did stick with it as she has been participating in track and field for her three years during her time at Foothill Tech. During these years, she has produced competitive personal records of 81’ in the discus and 30’ 11.5” in the shot put which qualified her to compete in the CIF State Championships. At the state meet, she threw the shot put 30′ 10.5″ which earned her first place.

Montejano spoke on what it took to win the championship, “lots of one-on-one training with my coach went into this … the focus was not just strength but on a lot of form as well.”

“I’m grateful for the chance to compete in State as it’s an event not a lot of people get to experience.” Montejano expressed, “It feels really nice to be recognized.”

Since Montejano has another year before graduating, she has plans to continue participation for track in the future. Her determination to continue competing and improving signals the future holds even more promise for this exceptional athlete.

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About the Contributor
Conor White
Conor White, Reporter
Aka Sonia. A first-year sports writer who is a runner by choice and loves eating and sleeping.

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  • C

    Claire HadleyJun 2, 2024 at 10:50 pm

    Go Ariel!!!! 🤩🤩
