FDP-TV: Episode 11
With Saint Patrick’s Day rounding the corner, Associated Student Body (ASB) has a plethora of events in store for students. A spirit week from March 13, 2023 through 17, 2023 with fun themes and a Ren Rally that Friday, on Saint Patrick’s Day, will celebrate students who received academic renaissance the previous quarter.
March 10, 2023
The arrival of March brings excitement and anticipation to the Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) campus. Tickets are currently on sale for the Secret Garden Dance which will commence on March 24, 2023. Spring sports are moving swiftly ahead, with track and field competing at the Don Green Invitational on March 3, 2023. Star runner Jonah Billings set Foothill Tech’s 3200m record with a time of 9:16 and placed seventh overall in the race. Boys’ volleyball continues its undefeated season after a win against Dunn School on March 7, 2023. Softball is on a similar win streak, as they have scored at least 18 runs in four out of their seven games. Boys’ tennis had their first match of the season on March 9, 2023 versus Camarillo and Girls’ beach volleyball against Providence on the same day. The series “A Guide to AP Classes” has been continued with new information on AP and CP Psychology. The Interact and Girl Up clubs have been paving the way with various fundraisers and an education-changing book drive respectively. Thank you for tuning in to the FDP-TV, see you next time!