Welcoming baby dragons: Foothill Tech athletic information night
Coach Anthony Unchangco prepares his booth for incoming members of Boys’ Tennis, paired with his newly-earned CIF plaque.
May 4, 2022
As the Class of ‘26 approached Spirito Hall, they were greeted with the welcoming faces of the Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) faculty and most importantly, the coaches of the various sport teams. The Foothill Tech Athletic Information Meeting Night was conducted on May 2, 2022, beginning promptly at 6 p.m..
As Spirito Hall overflowed with the incoming class, athletic director Jamaal Brown shared the process of the sports program, which begins after the “dead period”, which lasts from June 26 through July 10.
Following the dead period, students will be able to try out for Foothill’s various sports, all of which held booths within the quad for additional information for the incoming students.
The athletic program within Foothill Tech has seen tremendous growth since its launch during the 2014-2015 school year. As showcased by the presentation within the quad, 11 various athletic programs allot for a sport for every student. All of the standing 11 programs were showcased, accompanied by their Head Coaches and multiple Assistant Coaches. From the eight current spring athletic programs, five are remaining, contending for CIF championships.
The Foothill Tech quad was flowing with future dragons, looking just as active as it does during breaks on a regular school day. Incoming freshman Connor Nelles ‘26, who shared his optimistic yet timid approach to the upcoming school year and baseball season, mentioned “[Coach Stevens and the baseball coaching staff] seem nice … and cooperative.”
The incoming softball seniors Danielle Bishop ‘23 and Jasmine Guzman ‘23 shared their overwhelmingly optimistic outlook for the future of Foothill Tech Athletics and the conclusion of their time as Dragons. The cycle of high school is rapidly approaching, as excitement levels through the incoming freshman and senior class increase.
As the process of beginning athletics (clearance, registermyathlete.com, etc.) is important, the funds for the programs are equally as important. Booster President and JV Head Softball Coach Denise Bishop shared that “[The boosters] are just here to help … and we need more helpers.” The Boosters, who are responsible for the funds of the Athletic, Journalism and Speech and Debate programs are currently accepting applications to continue the growth of the extracurricular culture.
Supervised by Foothill Tech Principal Russell Gibbs and Vice Principal Frank Davis, the two agreed that the night was a complete success.
As the school’s flood of freshmen promised hope and athletic success, they also brought a sense of promise for the future of Foothill Tech. The unanimous conclusion between students and administrators alike was the hopeful promise of all upcoming athletic seasons. With roughly one third of the student body participating in at least one sport, the future of Foothill Athletics appears victorious.