Junior Bryn Treloar-Ballard is one of two editors constructing the brand-new sports section of the Foothill Dragon Press. Along with being in her second year of journalism, Treloar-Ballard is also taking three Advanced Placement (AP) classes and two Honors classes. She is also involved in Speech and Debate, Girl Up, and is a FIRE leader. Her passion for history first manifested itself when she was a young child, but it was in seventh grade when she finally realized that it was one of her greatest interests. Treloar-Ballard spent her first year in journalism as a news reporter, but found she enjoyed doing sports interviews. journalism advisor Melissa Wantz saw that skill within her and encouraged her to apply for the editor position. Her seven years playing water polo makes her a knowledgeable athlete, and she hopes to bring that experience to the new section. More than anything though, Treloar-Ballard is looking forward to building the sports section and discovering where they fit into the dynamic of the Foothill Dragon Press.
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