Evan Askar
Grade: Junior
Age: 16 years old
Running for: ASB President
Experience in ASB: One year
Why are you running for this position?
“Since my freshman year, I have looked up to the ASB students on campus, particularly the ASB President and Vice President. The current ASB President and Vice President have had especially large and positive influences on my life, and I aspire to do something similar for my peers. I feel that I would be able to bring new ideas to the table, and continue to take Foothill ASB in a positive and helpful way.”
What positions have you held in the past?
“This is my first year in ASB, and I hold the position of Special Projects Director, and have put on events such as Red Ribbon Week and the first annual ‘Stop Hunger Games.’”
What would be your top priority if you were to be elected?
“If elected, my top priority would be improving student body relations. I feel that ASB and the students at Foothill are not as close as they should be. I would work to get more student feedback on events and use that to create events that are more enjoyable for the students.”
What leadership skills have you developed in your time in ASB?
“During my ASB experience this year, I have grown as a person and a leader. I have learned how to organize and plan large events, how to manage my time, and think practically.”
Why do you deserve to hold this position?
“I am a responsible and motivated individual, and I feel that I am able to bring many new ideas and lots of experience to the table. I am very excited for the opportunity to keep FTHS ASB moving in a positive and productive direction.”
Why should people vote for you?
“I believe that I will be able to bring the student body closer together and provide for a great year. I am outgoing and experienced, and will care and bring representation to all of those at school.”

Carlos Cohen
Grade: Junior
Age: 17 years old
Running for: ASB President
Experience in ASB: One year
Why are you running for this position?
“I am running for this position because I really want to serve my school, and I really enjoy being in ASB and next year with sports being the first year at Foothill, I really feel that what we do next year will be a foundation for future years here at Foothill and I want to be apart of that process.”
What positions have you held in the past?
“I was Sophomore Class President.”
What would be your top priority if you were to be elected?
“Top priority is definitely making that transition between an academic to a sports school.”
What leadership skills have you developed in your time in ASB?
“The leadership skills I have gained in ASB are organization skills, work interpersonal skills, working with different people on different projects, and this is just in addition to all the other leadership I have had from other things I have done.”
Why do you deserve to hold this position?
“I would really put the school first and really put their interests first and I would be inclusive to all and really make it my priority to do my best to make sure everyone’s voice is heard.”
Why should people vote for you?
“People should vote for me because I want to include them, and also because one of my biggest values and attributes is being able to have the courage to dream big and not be afraid of having big goals, and next year I have really big goals and big visions and I really want to work with them and through them.”

James Florez
Grade: Junior
Age: 16 years old
Running for: ASB President
Experience in ASB: Two years
Why are you running for this position?
“I have been in ASB for two years, I have had both Captain and Mrs. Duffy and so I feel I know both of the ways of doing things and I am an athlete and with sports coming to Foothill, I feel I can really represent that.”
What positions have you held in the past?
“My first year, I was Renaissance Staff Relations Director, and this year I am Renaissance Students Incentives Director.”
What would be your top priority if you were to be elected?
“Really focus on this next year and keeping the change that has been happening this year as well as incorporating sports into our school.”
What leadership skills have you developed in your time in ASB?
“My whole life I have been a natural leader but ASB has helped me learn to work in groups, and working together to get a job done, and public speaking as well.”
Why do you deserve to hold this position?
“I have experience with both teachers, I can talk to people well, I can represent everyone at this school.”
Why should people vote for you?
“I feel that I can represent everyone at this school, and if anyone wants to come talk to me they can. I understand the needs that will be present with athletics next year and I have lots of experience in ASB.”

Cameron Karbum
Grade: Junior
Age: 16 years old
Running for: ASB Vice President
Experience in ASB: One year
Why are you running for this position?
“I decided to run for VP because being in ASB for a year I have felt like I wasn’t able to be involved as much and I feel like running for vice president will allow me to be in a higher position to actually do something for the school. Rather than being there, I can be there, if that makes sense.”
What positions have you held in the past?
“I have held one position which I hold currently, it is the Renaissance Event Assistant.”
What would be your top priority if you were to be elected?
“One thing I’d like to do would be to deteriorate the gap between ASB and the student population. You know how it is, all the kids think ASB is the preppy kid organization at school that just plans everything and is in control, but I want to feel like ASB is there for you, working for you, and it is more like we are wanting to get you involved, rather than us trying to operate the school.”
What leadership skills have you developed in your time in ASB?
“In ASB I have learned lots of skills such as communication, talking to groups of people, basically learning how to interact with people, like what to do and how to be a role model; hearing what people have to say first, and then basing your decisions off people, rather than being a dictator.”
Why should people vote for you?
“People should vote for me because I don’t like to associate myself with a group. You know, there are people that call themselves jocks, and some nerds, or study kids, but I’m just the average, normal high school kid and I am really individualistic, like most kids here on campus and I feel like I can relate to them.”
Why do you deserve to hold this position?
“I deserve to hold this position because I want, like I said earlier, to be given to the chance to change things at our school. Rather than being there, I want to be there.”

Bailey Liljekvist
Grade: Sophomore
Age: 15 years old
Running for: ASB Vice President
Experience in ASB: Two years
Why are you running for this position?
“ASB VP does most of the Renaissance, and I am really interested in working with Renaissance and making it a much bigger deal here at Foothill and getting much more kids on Renaissance. So just encouraging kids to raise their grades and get involved.”
What positions have you held in the past?
“Freshman year I was one of the freshman officers, and currently I am Sophomore Class President. I did Winter Formal and I am working on more fundraising right now.”
What would be your top priority if you were to be elected?
“I just want to get kids more involved, that is one of the main things that is on my mind. I’ve been seeing Caleb work on it and he is doing an amazing job currently and I want to continue what he is doing and make the student body grow.”
What leadership skills have you developed in your time in ASB?
“A lot of communication, communicating with others, we do a lot of business stuff here and we do a lot of organizing. Planning Winter Formal, I had to be really organized and I had to be on top of a lot of stuff.”
Why should people vote for you?
“I think people should vote for me because I have been in ASB in the past, I know how it works. I think I can do a really good job.”
Why do you deserve to hold this position?
“Like I said I have been in ASB for two years, I did a lot in middle school, I have always been interested in ASB and helping everyone, and I like communication with the student body and seeing how they are and helping them grow.”

Annie Sinclair
Grade: Junior
Age: 17 years old
Running for: ASB Vice President
Experience in ASB: Three years
Why are you running for this position?
“Since I’ve been in it since freshman year, I’ve always looked up to the president and vice president. They are good role models and I think it is a good opportunity for me, since I’ve always been in ASB, it is the final step up. It’s like you’re working your way up the whole time.”
What positions have you held in the past?
“I have been secretary every year.”
What would be your top priority if you were to be elected?
“Well the ASB President and Vice President are kind of like the things that hold the class together, so it would really be focusing on the ASB class and making sure they can put out the best that they can and pleasing the students and taking in account what their interests are and what is going to motivate them, things like Renaissance and stuff.”
What leadership skills have you developed in your time in ASB?
“It is good with people skills and business skills. Every year, we get items for Starry Starry Night, so you’re building relationships with professional businesses. And you do a lot of group work, when planning events too, it is good to work with people.”
Why should people vote for you?
“I think that I am good for the job because I am experienced with it. I know a lot about ASB because I’ve been in it for three years. I really care about the students and what they think, because I’m a student too. I know everything will affect everyone, and I want to make things better for everyone.”
Why do you deserve to hold this position?
“I think that I would be good at it. I can motivate people and just really make a difference for the students. It’s not like it’s bad for the students, but I want to make sure things will benefit them.”

Nick Vaughan
Grade: Junior
Age: 16 years old
Running for: ASB Vice President
Experience in ASB: One year
Why are you running for this position?
“Because this school is a great school and I want to help make it better. I think that every kid on campus needs to be represented in the correct way and I think I can do that. I was lucky enough to be born with confidence and good qualities and I want to help other people share the same qualities. Specifically, I want to make this as much of a community as I can because I believe that everybody should have a good high school experience and I think that with my leadership qualities and my role I can do that best job at that.”
What positions have you held in the past?
“I was Junior Class Vice President.”
What would be your top priority if you were to be elected?
“To ensure that this school becomes more connected and that each student is represented in a way that they are comfortable with.”
What leadership skills have you developed in your time in ASB?
“People skills, my ability to see somebody else’s side of view, confidence, I think I am more creative and adaptive to situations. In ASB I have learned how to get work done when it needs to be done.”
Why should people vote for you?
“People should vote for me because I am going to be able to make them feel like they have a place in this school. Their opinions will be heard, they can feel connected to the ASB and they can relate to the people there.”
Why do you deserve to hold this position?
“I deserve it because I am hardworking, I have stayed extra hours in ASB, and done more hours than a majority of the people there. Every Friday, even though it’s not my job, I’m usually out on the stage running the events at lunch, over the microphone. I have done a lot of the behind the scenes stuff that needs to be done but not many people like to do. I have been a leader for a while. I deserve it because I have the ability to execute, and so I also believe I have the responsibility to execute because I have the ability to do it, so I feel like I need to, not just wanting to do it for myself.”

Mackenzie Wachold
Grade: Junior
Age: 16 years old
Running for: ASB Vice President
Experience in ASB: Three years
Why are you running for this position?
“I have been in ASB since I was a freshman, and I think that I would do really well.”
What positions have you held in the past?
“I have been Renaissance Awards Director so I helped make “hooray hoorahs” and give Student of the Month awards and I was also Renaissance Director.”
What would be your top priority if you were to be elected?
“To bring in a new level of leadership to Foothill and make sure more people feel included, and help run ASB.”
What leadership skills have you developed in your time in ASB?
“I have become a lot more outgoing and have grown new ideas and I have become more of a leader.”
Why do you deserve to hold this position?
“I think that I have watched people with experience, and I have learned from them, and I have learned how to be a leader.”
Why should people vote for you?
“I think that I can bring a lot to ASB and help ASB and the school grow.”
Captain • Feb 4, 2014 at 6:05 pm
Well done ladies. Great timing too. Love that everyone gets to read the platforms and make an informed decision thanks to the hard work of the Dragon Press.