Wafting from the kitchen is the smell of freshly made pancakes, maple syrup, bacon, and eggs. Breakfast is often described as the most important meal of the day. But to some, lunch or dinner are equally or more important. Others are repulsed by the idea of eating so early in the day. Breakfast, however, is important for managing a healthy weight, giving you energy, and is essential for getting enough of the food groups.
While you sleep all night, you are essentially fasting. Eating breakfast cures your hunger earlier in the day, so you don’t feel compelled to eat so much at a later time. The Amery Regional Medical Center claims, “people who skip breakfast tend to make up for the calories later in the day, often with unhealthy, high-fat and high-calorie convenience foods.” This intake of unhealthy foods (such as Cheetos and potato chips) can lead to obesity and sluggishness.
Not only does breakfast help prevent you from gaining weight, but it’s also a great energy booster as well. Eating breakfast gives you the nutrients you need to nourish your body and get your brain going. According to WebMD’s article “Why Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day”, eating breakfast creates efficiency; students who eat breakfast are often punctual for school, while kids who skip breakfast are tardy and absent from school more often.
Skipping breakfast means eliminating some of the essential vitamins and minerals necessary to your diet. Breakfast is a great way to eat the fruits, vegetables, and dairy that many people tend to neglect, especially as they opt for sugary and high-calorie snacks such as cookies and chips.
Eating breakfast is important, but having a healthy breakfast is as equally important. Eating doughnuts and sugary cereals every day just tires your body and makes you feel sluggish. Eating these treats are okay every once in awhile, but it’s better to focus on other food groups. The John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health recommends picking “2-3 food groups” such as “bread and grain, milk and milk product, fruit or vegetable group” to focus on while eating a healthy breakfast.
Some good foods to eat for breakfast are foods high in carbs, since carbohydrates help stave off hunger (this can include cereal, granola, and grains). Fruits and vegetables are important, so eat low-fat yogurt, a fruit salad, or an omelette filled with veggies. Dairy is essential as well, so even eating a bowl of cereal with milk is a great way to intake dairy products (soy milk is great for those who don’t care for milk or who are lactose intolerant). Meat is also a good source for protein, so bacon and sausage are ideal breakfast foods (turkey sausage, turkey bacon, and soy bacon are good alternatives for those who don’t like pork or meat). Juices and smoothies are great pick-me-ups and a healthier alternative to coffee and energy drinks.