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The Student News Site of Foothill Technology High School

The Foothill Dragon Press

The Student News Site of Foothill Technology High School

The Foothill Dragon Press

The Student News Site of Foothill Technology High School

The Foothill Dragon Press

Money at times seems to move the world and those in it, but with the world’s environmental health moving in a downward direction, one might ask what effects the Willow Project will have on the planet. Writer Emma Ippolito explores the complicated aspects of this new project and the effects it could have on the planet’s health.

Alaska’s Willow Project: How much of the Earth’s health are we willing to sacrifice to boost the economy?

Emma Ippolito, Assignment Editor March 26, 2023

As roads are built, factories release pollutants into the air and plastic and wastewater plummet into our oceans, our environment's health has a shaky future. On March 13, 2023, the Biden administration...

Read along as writer Beatrice Barnes explores the science of water consumption and food production, as well as the actions one can take to reduce their water footprint.

Food for thought: Reducing water footprint with our diets

Beatrice Barnes, Writer March 16, 2023

It’s easy to be aware of the water we use for tasks like showering and watering the lawn, but when was the last time you thought about how much water it took to put food on your plate? The average person...

AP Physics teacher Mr. Weldele brings out weights and a small car to create a demonstration for his physics students.

A guide to Advanced Placement Physics

Claire Hadley, Writer May 11, 2022

This article is a continuation of the Advanced Placement series that describes what to expect when diving into each college level course at Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech). If you are curious...

Advanced Placement Environmental Science is an engaging class discussing topics of biodiversity, Earth systems and sustainability.

A guide to Advanced Placement Environmental Science

Ryann Liddell, Writer April 25, 2022

Every year at the beginning of the second semester, Foothill Tech students are asked to sign up for classes to take the following year. We decide on courses that sound interesting to us, or, in many cases,...

Students diligently scoop up trash, gagging at the smell of the mountainous pile they are rummaging through.

Going green: The waste reduction project at Foothill Tech

Emilie Huovinen and Noelle Villaseñor April 16, 2022

It’s no secret that walking the halls of Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) means encountering an unsettling amount of trash scattered around the walkways, especially after nutrition break...

With deadly fires currently ravaging the earth, Mother Earth suffers.

The impact of climate change on our community

Melanie Hernandez and Emilie Huovinen October 1, 2021

Climate change has always been a controversial topic especially since many are uninformed as this topic becomes more serious. Two science teachers at Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech), Mika...

Mr. Baker performing one of his favorite experiments in the lab.

On the bench ft. Mr. Baker

Jenna Ostrom, Videographer September 24, 2021

Mr. Baker is a rather relaxed teacher who gives kids a grasp on learning, while he himself never loses the wheel. Mr. Baker has many hobbies outside of school, one of them being gardening. The garden...

There are many misconceptions that people possess about the new COVID-19 vaccines that need to be debunked in order for individuals to truly understand the purpose and safety behind the vaccines.

Let’s debunk those common COVID-19 vaccine myths

Emma Ippolito, Writer May 29, 2021

Thanks to a variety of COVID-19 vaccines being distributed across America and the world, the pandemic is slowly coming to an end. Opinions on the vaccine vary, and a plethora of COVID-19 vaccine myths...

Netflix documentary "Seaspiracy" shocks viewers with its newfound discoveries about the ocean. (Credit:

“Seaspiracy”: Secrets of the Deep

Kami Kada, Writer April 30, 2021

A new documentary on Netflix called “Seaspiracy” has shocked viewers with its brutal facts and disclosed information regarding our ocean and the planet’s health. The director, Ali Tabrizi went out...

Many know about greenhouse gases and the negative effect that they are having on the environment, and it is a common belief that the only way to end their effect is by having world leaders deal with it, but there are many things that normal people can do in order to help the Earth.

Eight things you can do to help the environment

Emma Ippolito, Reporter April 26, 2021

Right now, our climate is suffering. Animals are getting killed by toxic chemicals in our waterways and by trash that finds its way to our ocean. Air is slowly becoming less and less breathable as it absorbs...

As high schools plan to open soon, teachers are allowed vaccinations.

Foothill Tech staff opinions vary on COVID-19 vaccine

Olivia Zoll, Reporter March 26, 2021

Disclaimer: The results shared are from an anonymous poll of 29 Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) teachers and staff. As Ventura County enters the red COVID-19 tier, schools are pushing...

The people of Ventura County have been blessed with a special gift this holiday season, for on Dec. 21st at around 6-8 PM, they will be able to view the "Christmas Star" in all of its glory, a sight that hasn't been this observable in 800 years.

Science Hub: “The Christmas Star”, Texas deep-freeze

Olivia Zoll and Nicole Stidham February 23, 2021

The “Christmas Star”: A celestial race between Jupiter and Saturn On Dec. 21, 2020, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, dubbed the “Christmas Star” was the most visible than it has been in...

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The Student News Site of Foothill Technology High School