In the United States, Feb. 14 is known as the day of heart-shaped boxes, cute teddy bears and Hallmark’s soaring profits with their endless varieties of greeting cards. Additionally, who can forget the...
Restaurants, whether chain or family-owned, are moving into “ghost kitchens,” which are dominating food delivery apps like Grubhub, Doordash and Uber Eats. Ghost kitchens opt to serve the same formulaic...
Providing a welcoming atmosphere and accessible resources, the Westminster Free Clinic (WFC) is a nonprofit, private clinic based in Ventura County. WFC offers free support and assistance regarding...
As the student population at Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech) has increased, it seems as though parking has not been able to keep up. With a good amount of the student population driving,...
Every school year a new incredibly talented group of individuals are nominated to attend the annual Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) Conference, a seminar attend by sophomores in high schools across...
“When I was 10, my first experience with coding was very inspiring because I was able to make things that helped me do whatever I wanted on the computer. I wanted to be able to solve sudokus faster,...
Rebecca Walker ‘24 can usually be found striding with a smile onto campus with her orange Patagonia backpack, sporting an impeccable curation of thrifted and vintage clothes. As an avid beach lover and...
To some students at Foothill Technology High School (Foothill Tech), getting dressed in the morning isn’t merely a chore, but a creative endeavor. Whether they are up-cycling thrift store finds, spicing...
Ruby Jenkins, Assignment Editor
• December 15, 2023
When one typically thinks of Ventura, Calif., they often picture surfing, sunshine and the occasional avocado toast. However, one of Ventura's most defining qualities is its rich culture for young artists...
The blinking rows of meticulously placed strands of lights or the steady flicker of the holiday candles and firelight all serve as a reminder that the holiday season is rapidly approaching. To some,...
Water is a crucial aspect of everyday life. “People don’t necessarily think about what life would be like without water," Richard Martin expressed, the assistant general manager at Ventura Water. In...
Dew still sparkles on blades of grass, the drowsy birds have barely launched their morning birdsong and the sun has just begun its daily trek across the sky. Yet there is someone already hard at work in...