Thanksgiving should be full of catching up with family, not colds. Many people travel during the holidays; so here are a few tips to keep you healthy.
Outsmart the airport cold
1. Always wash your hands: This is a bit of a cliché, but clean hands can prevent germs from entering your system and halt the spread of them altogether. Airplanes, taxis, and any other type of public transportation are a breeding ground for germs from all over the world. Be sure to keep your hands off your face and out of your food especially when you’re out and about.
2. Give your immune system an extra kick: Avoid catching a cold if you can help prevent it. Prior to traveling, take vitamin c and zinc tablets. Or, you could eat foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, or foods high in zinc like lean beef and poultry.
3. Stay hydrated: Nothing’s worse than traveling, especially by air, with a headache or dry skin. Soda will not satisfy your thirst, but make you even more thirsty. So avoid sugary or caffeinated beverages (and watch out for the salt content in the snacks they serve) and settle for water or tea.
4. Carry antibacterial wipes: Kind of weird and overly germophobic, but they claim to kill 99.99 percent of germs and are extremely handy. They can be used to quickly wipe down your tray table on a plane or something suspicious off the armrests of a chair in a shady hotel your mom booked claiming she got a “good deal.”
The meal
You’ve finally made it and your whole family is together. Time to eat! But before you gorge yourself on stuffing and pie, keep a few things in mind.
1. Don’t let those holiday pounds creep up on you: You worked so hard for that summer body. When the holidays roll around, so does your belly fat. You may not have time to hit the gym, but before going to bed, manage to do some crunches, jumping jacks, or squats; anything to keep your heart pumping and those calories burning.
2. Try not to stuff yourself: Just because your turkey is full of stuffing, doesn’t mean you have to be. Don’t feel the need to eat until you’re full, you should stop eating before you feel completely full.
3. Moderation is key: Don’t deprive yourself of the good stuff. Control the amount you eat. If you want that cookie, go for it. Just don’t eat 10 of them.
4. Don’t forget about vegetables: They make the perfect side to a plate of turkey and mashed potatoes, and they’re good for you. Mushrooms have been shown to prevent the risk of colon, stomach, and prostate cancer. Bell peppers are excellent sources of the B6 vitamin, and carrots contain vitamin A.
5. Avoid unnecessary calories: When dessert time rolls around, put the whipped cream can down. I know it’s good, but hear me out. Whipped cream can be unnecessary calories. Obviously, we have to have some, but limit yourself and don’t use half a can on a slice of pie. Eat less whipped cream to save the calories for the vanilla ice cream that accompanies your pie. I’m sure your waistline will thank you later.
Remember these tips to stay healthy and enjoy the holidays.
fitoru • May 17, 2020 at 8:21 pm
thanks for the share. I enjoyed reading the tips. Excellent blog